25| Now We Are Free

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The next morning, is the best morning Seven has ever woken up to.

Y/N is the first thing he sees.

Her hair is messy, she has stains of mascara hanging faintly around her eyelids. But she looks peaceful, she looks perfect. A small, sleepy smile curves in the corners of her mouth.

There had been a celebration last night, the most meaningful and wild party he's ever attended. There was drinking, there was dancing... there was... freedom.

Seven blushes and turns over in the bed. Laying next to Y/N is too much. She doesn't even have to try to be alluring. She just has to exist, to breathe; and he would still find her to be an angel.

He was too drunk last night to realize their proximity, to realize how far they had almost gone.

Thank the lord she had stopped him. They recognized each other's boarders, they figured out how far was too far. Though he only remembers that moment vaguely, it was special.

They love each other, and now they are free from their pasts. They can finally move on and focus on their future together.

Seven reaches over and tucks the lose strands of Y/N's hair behind her ears.

She stirs sleepily, her chest rising and falling with deep, peaceful breaths.

Seven can lay like this forever. All he really needs is Y/N to be happy. It's strange how his whole world was flipped upside down in the best possible way, just from one girl. The irony is the way they met, how their love emerged from chaos.

"I love you." He whispers, leaning over and pressing his lips against her forehead. The bed divots beneath him, finally itching Y/N from her slumber.

Her eyes flicker open. "Morning." She mumbles happily, skin burning underneath his touch.

Seven feels all flustered by the way her voice sounds in the morning. So cute and innocent.

She shifts closer to him and leans against his chest. Today, they can rest. Tomorrow.... well, tomorrow is the day their new life begins.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, staring up at the ceiling, content with just feeling the way she feels against him.

"Better." She swallows. A short yet calm reply. How can she complain when she's beside him?

"Are you ready?" Seven runs his hands through her hair, twirling the edges between his fingertips.

She nods, tilting her head up at him. "About our jobs at Han corporations?"

"Yeah. And the moving truck is coming tomorrow."

"You're putting this house up for sale?" Y/N raises her eyebrows, gesturing to the space around them. She was just starting to get used to his home. "I thought you were drunk. I didn't think you were serious about doing it so soon."

"I'm as serious as I can be." He kisses her forehead again. The comedic tone in his words causes her to roll her eyes. "We just need to pack everything up, I can live with my buddy Tom until I find a new place."

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