18| Crash Into Me

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Y/N's keys clatter as she sets them on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Leafy." She greets sadly, bending down to pet the kitten, her fingers running across the birthmark between his ears.

The cat purrs loudly, leaning in to every stroke, basking in the attention from the female. Y/N can't help but smile at the animal's neediness. If only a certain someone could want her this much, she would never feel sad again.

"Thanks for paying attention to me." She sighs, knowing the only reason for this purring fest is because the cat is hungry.

Y/N sets the rest of her work items on the table and proceeds to break open a can of tuna. The kitten still isn't old enough to eat hard food, and unfortunately, it costs her a lot of money. But she doesn't mind spending the cash on a helpless creature like leafy. At least she has something to be responsible of.

"Here you are!" She boasts, scraping the last of the cat food into the bowl and setting it on the floor. "Enjoy."

Y/N watches the kitten eat for a while, before getting bored and heading to her room. She flips on the light switch and slumps to her bed. It's late into the evening and she still hasn't heard from Seven.

"Stupid." She mumbles into the pillow, punching it a few times to release some anger and stress.

Why does the thought of him rejecting her ruin her whole day?

Mondays are the worst as it is.

The girl exhales loudly before getting up to change her clothes. She slips out of the blouse and her incredibly uncomfortable skirt. Tossing them into the dirty clothes pile, which has grown exceptionally large.

Her whole house is a mess, but she hasn't had any motivation to clean it up. The clothes she was wearing last night are still in the same place they fell when Seven took them off her.

Y/N shakes her head and slips into something more comfortable, releasing the tension of the workplace. It's not the worst job ever, but she still feels like she's missing something. Y/N wants to do more than work a 9-5 job programming computers. She knows she can do something better, something to help other people. But she doesn't know what.

And frankly, her mind is too focused elsewhere.

The girls let's out a groan, pulling the tee shirt over her head and walking down the hall. She wishes she was tired, but there's too much on her mind. Like always.

She opens the sliding glass door and walks onto her balcony. She sits down and let's her legs hang through the railing. Admiring natures beauty all alone.

The sun is setting, casting the most perfect shade of pink across the sky. The summer breeze blows softly against her skin, sending waves of tranquility through her body. It manages to make her smile, but only for a while. Her thoughts soon drift back to the lawsuit and how close it's coming up.

Despite the warm wind, Y/N shivers. She wishes more than anything to push the memories away. She wants to forget, and she wants the past behind her.

Her fists curl in her lap, as Mr. Han's face flashes trough her mind. The smirk he had plastered on his face as he watched her leave broken and afraid.

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