21| Made Of Glass

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Y/N stares up at the apartment building in awe. The polished glass windows reflect the sun so brightly that she finds herself squinting. "So this is where the rich and privileged live?" She nudges Seven playfully.

"I may be rich, but I am not privileged." He jokes back, poking her cheek with a smile.

The two of them scurry across the street and enter the building. Y/N tries to keep her mouth from dropping at the people who pass by. Most of them dressed lavishly.

Seven walks behind Y/N slowly, shoving his hands in his pocket. "I haven't been in the city since Jumin lost Elizabeth."

She looks back at him. "His cat?"

"Yeah it was super funny. But don't tell him I said that." Y/N giggled and walked up to the front desk. This place seems more like a 5 star hotel than an actual apartment building.

"Hello." The lady greets. "Who are you here to visit?"

"Jumin Han." She smiles back.

The employee picks up the telephone and dials a number. "Name please?"

"Y/N L/N."

She glances at her name tag. Emily. The woman looks of half European descent, and is incredibly beautiful. No wonder she works here. The lady waits for a moment, resting the device between her cheek and shoulder.

"Good morning Mr. Han." She says cheerfully. "I have Y/N L/N waiting for you here. Shall I send her up?"

She nods. Gesturing for the two to start heading up. Emily sets her hand on the speaker. "First Elevator, floor 27. He'll be waiting for you!"

Y/N stifles a laugh. Emily seems to be enjoying her conversation with Jumin. Even after giving them the directions, she continues to spark up a conversation.

"Thank you." Seven replies before intertwining his fingers with Y/N's. She looks up at him with tender eyes.

"I love you." She whispers, leaning against him slightly as they make their way into the elevator and up to the 27th floor.

Once they step out of the elevator, they are immediately greeted by Jumin himself.

Y/N's heart falls as soon as she sees him.

Seven drops his hands to his sides.

"It's nice to see you." Jumin nods, not even managing to smile. His eyes are faintly bloodshot, and he starts to walk away without a word. He's all dressed up like usual, but something about it doesn't sit right with Y/N. It seems like he tried his hardest to muster up a presentable appearance.

The two follow him hesitantly. Jumin may be known as cold, but they've never experienced this much aloofness from him before. He seems utterly detached from emotion.

Y/N glances at Seven with a worried expression. 'Is he okay?' She mouths, feeling a lot more nervous than she wants to.

He leads them down the hall, turning only one corner. And as soon as they do, they are met with a tall blockade of bodyguards. They part as soon as they see Jumin.

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