09| What Should I Do?

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10 years ago.

"I can give you a bright future. I can take you out of this place Saeyoung, isn't that what you want?"

The middle schooler looked astounded at his superior. He was offering him the chance of a lifetime. The man with blue hair was wearing the same necklace as him, and his smile seemed warm enough to be genuine.

"I don't know.." He trailed off, casting his gaze to the ground. They may be brothers in Christ, but Saeyoung hadn't seen V around much. He seemed much different than your normal church goer.

"I know you're smart. I know you want to take care of your brother." V soothed, setting his calloused hand on Saeyoung's shoulder.

The young boy felt like crying. This man he'd  met at church a few weeks ago was offering him a new home, a new job, and basically a whole new life. How could he say no?

V waited patiently. His delicate hands were unbelievably tempting. All he had to do was accept.

"Come with me."



V: >Hello, Saeyoung.

Sent 2:30am.

After hours of researching and procrastination, Seven snaps at the buzz of his phone.. He feels sick as he reads the sender.

The boy glances at the half full bottle of whiskey, and it taunts him to take another sip. Y/N has been on his mind for the majority of the night, but now the past is knocking on his door.

He can't think straight from the information he's gained. He feels mislead, like his whole life has been a lie. The only father figure in his life has turned out to be a coward and left without a word. And now Seven has been raised to be just like him without even knowing it.

He stares at the screen with bloodshot eyes.

Ever since Rika's sudden death two years ago, Seven had doubts about V. He never handled the situation like a grieving fiancee would. Instead, he fled the country and cut off all contact.

V claimed Rika committed suicide, but everyone knew she never had a reason to. Seven had read over the autopsy report dozens of times, in grief and in not. The document was completely different from the day he was called in to confirm Rika's body. He distinctively remembers the purple ring around her neck, and the way her clavicle bone stuck awkwardly out of her skin. If she killed herself with a gun like V said, she would've had burn marks on the entrance wound and on her fingers. Instead, she had obvious indications of strangulation. So why does the autopsy report only bring light to a single gunshot wound to her right temple?

Seven feels like screaming. The last thing he wants is to suspect his friend. But why would an innocent man lie and dispose of the remains as soon as possible?

He remembers the look on Yoosung's face when V told him she'd already been cremated. Yoosung was always smart enough to recognize a liar. He was never the same after that day.

Rika's parents died years ago, and all she had was Yoosung and her extended family. But through legal concerns, V made the decisions. So without their say- her body was cremated, and the evidence was destroyed.

Now, all Seven has are his suspicions and an obviously forged document. The boy shakes his head in denial. How can this be possible?

V was incredibly secretive, that's just who he was. Or that's what Seven thought. All of V's wrongdoings are right in front of him, and he can't even process them. V is one of the founders. He helped put The Crown together. He is evil.

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