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New story ya this is a Cinderella story that me and my best friend are writing together hope you like it.

Few things you should know about the stories i write:

~ I make everything from my own imagination

~ Characters are all fictional (along with most of the places)

~ if you dont like the story dont write hate comment just don't read the story


There are good times and bad times in life, but mine are mostly bad.

I live with my stepmom Lucy and two stepsisters. If I were to describe living with them in one word I would use nightmare, that's how bad it was. Lucy is always trying to control my life, trying to make me be more like her and her daughters.

Drawing and listening to music was my escape from all the drama at home, "Come on Katrina I really don't want to be late for school." Lulu called out.

Lulu was one of my stepsisters she had red hair and hazel eyes, Lulu was always the one to make me feel terrible. At school she ignored me and at times bullied me a bit, but Lucy would never hear it, she thought her daughter was to much of an angel to do such a thing.

"Yea I'm coming hold on," I yelled down the stairs, I put my brown hair into a messy ponytail, I put on my black rimmed glasses and had put on one of my favorite t-shirts that I made. It was a muscle kind of shirt only it was white and I just splattered a collage of my paints on to it making it original and me. I also put on a pair of dark skinny jeans with my purple vans.

Feeling satisfied with my look I went down stairs and said bye to Lucy.

"Gosh Trina what took you so long" Lulu said putting her lipstick on.

I didn't answer her, I just rolled my eyes and we were off to drop off Elizabeth to school.

"Trina can you pleases change this song it's super boring" Lizzy whined from the backseat. I did as she said changing the station till she told me to stop on one if her favorite songs.

Elizabeth has strawberry blond hair and deep blue eyes, se was two grades below me and Lulu so we all went to the same high school. Wellington Academy.

I literally hated that school, every one was stuck up and rich and flashed their money in the middle-class families faces which sickened me. I just couldn't wait to graduate and to to Stanford a college that I've been wanting to go to all my life.

When I walked out on campus I headed over to the bench where I sat every morning before school drawing and waiting for my best friend Layla to finish her practice.

I loved sitting there everything was so peaceful best part is that no one really hangs out on this side of campus, which was absolutely perfect. I didn't have to worry about anyone scaring away the bird or insect I was trying to draw.

"Did ya miss me" a voice said coming from behind me.

I smiled and turned around "The moments without you were the worst in my life" I teased my best friend.

We started laughing at our odd greeting. That's why we were best friends we were both odd and we've know each other since first grade.

"Whatcha workin on" Layla asked looking over my shoulder to see my drawing.

Layla has wavy dark brown hair and brown eyes. Layla was captain of the girls soccer team and was quite popular around school. I wasn't very comfortable with her other friends so we would always meet up here in the mornings and at lunch.

Not Your CinderellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora