The call

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"Lori!" Dylan yelled.

Lori rolled her eyes and grabbed her jacket running out of her bedroom and down the stairs.

"I'm here." she said

They walked out the door and started heading to the car when Lori's phone started going off.

"Hello? Yes I'm her daughter."

Dylan bumped into her and watched as her face grew pale.

"Yeah... thank you." She hung up the phone.

"Lori?" Dylan shook her

"My mom... passed." she said.

Dylan held her tight prepared incase she started crying. Lori stood still. she couldn't believed her mother was dead.

"When is the funeral? maybe I can-"

"NO! it's okay. it's in L.A. anyway. Your parents wouldn't let you come." Lori said pulling away from him and heading back into the house.

"Where are you going?" Dylan asked

She ran upstairs and started packing a bag.

"Why are you leaving now? come on let's just go to the movies and when it's over you can come over to my place. my parents aren't home." Dylan said.

Lori stopped and stated at him.

"I just found out that my mother is dead. MY MOTHER! And all you can think about is getting me in BED?!?!" Lori grabbed her bag, slapped him hard and pushed him out the door. she locked it and started calling someone.

"Lori come on I was joking!" Dylan yelled as she got in the car.

"Hey sam, do me a favor. change my locks and come guard my house." she said.

"Done and done." Sam said.

She hung up and re-dialed.

One ring. two ring. three ring.

"Hello?" said a voice.

"Hey.... I'm coming back." Lori said

"We know. can't wait to see you." the voice replied.

"Yeah.... me too." She said hanging up.

She shook her head and took a breath. She was going back. To the city and big buildings. Back to HIM.

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