The truth comes out pt.1

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Lori never thought they would be in the position they were in right now. The whole gang; Cole, Cassidy, Shawn, Dana, Will, Natalia, even Hunter was there. They stared at Gabe as he was laying on top of Alex underneath the blanket, and he looked pained.

"He's stuck." Cole said breaking the silence.

Cassidy, Natalia and Lori knew they did the right thing by changing the lube for super glue. They just didn't want to believe that Gabe would actually do something like that. Lori clenched her jaw and walked out of the house and back to her car.

"Lori wait!" Dana and Hunter chased after her.

She ignored them and took off to the one place she felt safe. Home.

Earlier that week

"Okay I got what you wanted, and yes. He has been calling and texting Alex. I'm sorry, Lori." Eli sighed over the phone.

Cassidy and Natalia shook their heads and we watched as the guys recorded in the booth. It had been three months since she had called Eli and asked him to check Gabe's phone records. Two months since Dalton had left the band.

"Why did it take so long?" Natalia asked.

"I had to pull a lot of strings just to get permission to get the records." Eli said.

David, was sitting in the booth staring at they with a confused face. He knew that they were up to something, but didn't know what.

"Hey, are the girls okay?" David asked the guys.

"They look fine to me." Gabe said not looking up from his phone.

Cole rolled his eyes and looked towards the girls. Cassidy rocked Shawn's car seat and listened to whoever they were talking to.

"They don't look okay to me." David mumbled.

Will and Dana looked at him and shrugged. Cole glanced at David and saw that he was staring only at Lori. For some reason, that bothered Cole. Lori had always been his little sister, and even though he hated Gabe at the moment, and they knew he was secretly seeing Alex, Lori and Gabe were still somewhat of a couple.

"They are fine. Lori just has a lot of things going on right now." Cole said.

"Okay." David didn't let the feeling go, but he knew the truth would come out eventually.

The boys continued talking and rehearsing and the girls listens to Eli.

"They are watching us." Natalia said.

"Well more like David is watching Lori." she corrected herself.

Lori shrugged and let it pass.

"Okay, so I can print everything out and send them to you guys... or.."

"Or what?" Lori asked.

The door opened and Eli walked through.

"I can give them to you personally." Lori gasped and jumped into Eli's arms.

"Oh my God, Eli!" he hugged her back and laughed.

"They are in my car don't worry." Eli whispered.

"Knock knock." a voice said.

Eli let Lori go and smiled at the guy leaning against the door.

"Girls... and guys. This is Kyle, my boyfriend." Lori squealed and jumped into Kyle's arms.

He caught her and laughed. Gabe frowned and rolled his eyes. His phone beeped again and he knew Alex had texted.

When are you gonna come over? Like seriously Gabe. You can't have both of us. You have to choose.

He knew she was right, he would have to choose. And he already knew his answer, so why was he so hesitant to so something about it.

"Guys this is my friend Eli, and now you know Kyle." Lori smiled.

"Eli... Kyle. This is Cassidy, Cole and their son Shawn, Will and Natalia, Dana, their newest member David, and Gabe." Lori said.

Kyle and Eli waved and stared at Gabe as he texted fast on his phone before looking up.

"Hey." was all he said.

They all sat down and started talking. Gabe had gotten up 20 minutes ago to go to the bathroom.

"Lori go get Gabe so we can take off and go get some lunch." Kyle said.

Lori got up and headed for the bathrooms.

"Wait up!" David ran to her.

They walked together and rounded the corner and saw Gabe and Alex making out. David stood there shocked and Lori looked away. She pulled him back before either of them could see.

"You knew?" David asked.

"I had a hunch..." Lori mumbled.

David took her hand and lead her back to the group while taking his phone out and calling Gabe.

"Hey was up." Gabe asked.

"Hurry up in there, the guys are hungry and they want to go eat." David said.

"Alright hold on. I'm just... Having some alone time with.. Lori right now." Gabe said.

Everyone turned and frowned. Gabe had just lied to David, and everyone heard it.

"Lori's been with you? No wonder we haven't seen her." David said.

"Y-yeah, She's with me." Gabe stuttered.

"He only stutters when he's lying." Cole whispers.

"Alright, well hurry up." David hung up.

"You should go over there and wait till you see him start coming." Eli said.

Lori nodded and walked back and hid. Alex came round the corner clinging onto Gabe.

"I'm glad you choose me and not Lori. I just don't see why you have to okay her." Alex said.

Lori frowned and gulped. Gabe shrugged and kissed Alex. She smiled and ran off in a different direction. Gabe was a couple of steps away when Lori walked out and bumped into him.

"Sorry, Lori?" Gabe gulped.

"Hey babe, you okay?" Lori asked pretending to be concerned.

"Yeah I'm f-fine." He smiled and they walked out to the parking lot where everyone was waiting.

"Took you guys long enough! Man how long do you guys suck faces?" David asked.

Cole and Dana played along and laughed. Lori rolled her eyes and got I to the car. The ride was silent, and not a good silent.

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