The truth comes out Part3

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Gabe dropped her off at the house. Will, Dana and Cole were outside talking to someone.

"Is that- Hunter!" Lori got out of the car and jumped on his back.

"Nice to see you too, Lori." He laughed and held her legs.

Gabe jogged over and shook his head at Lori.

"Hey I'm gonna go change and head over to Corbin's." Gabe kissed Lori and ran inside.

"Corbin's?" Cole asked.

"He's been calling and complaining that Gabe never hangs with him and anytime he tries to, Alex is always there." Lori sighed.

They went inside, Hunter still carrying Lori, and saw Sophia and Natalia laughing at Shawn who was making faces.

"Hey girls." Hunter smiled.

Sophia waved and Natalia smiled. Gabe came back down and took Lori off of Hunter's back, pulled her into his arms and crashed his lips against hers. Everyone watched shocked that they were kissing, even Lori was taken by surprise.

"I love you, Lori." Gabe said.

Lori smiled and kissed him again. Gabe smiled and looked at her waiting for her to say it back. His phone beeped, signaling a message. He knew it was HER.

Gabe! Seriously come on! I'm not gonna wait here all day for you. You said to give you a couple of hours, then you would sneak out.

He sighed and kissed Lori again and walked to the door.

"Gabe!" He turned around.

"I love you too." He smiled and walked out the door.

He started the car and sighed, driving down the road he knew he shouldn't have been driving on.

Lori turned around and clapped her hands.

"So... who's up for some pool?" Lori asked.

"What happened on the 'date'?" Cassidy asked.

"He apologized and said that it was Corbin's fault." Cole said grabbing four sticks.

Lori sighed and grabbed one.

"So call Corbin." Cassidy shrugged.

Lori decided to call Corbin from the house phone since he didn't know the number. It rang twice and Corbin answered.

"Okay so, I hate you for making me lie to Lori. Like seriously man, why did you have to get me involved? I don't like hurting Lori and I hate that you're doing it. I don't care that you still have feelings for Alex. You love Lori. Period. I don't know why you can't see that you have a good thing in front of you. Why you're chasing Alex is beyond me. But whatever, Alex is waiting for you and won't stop calling me. So hurry your damn ass up and get to wherever you're suppose to be at and just get it over with. The sooner the better. And then just forget her and focus on Lori. Gabe?" Lori gulped.

"Hey Corbin." Lori looked down.

She could hear Corbin curse and knock something down.

"Lori... I'm... God i'm so SORRY." Corbin said.

"H-how long have you know?" Lori asked holding back tears.

"He barley told me today, I swear." She could hear Corbin's voice start to break.

"It's... Okay," she took a deep breath and smiled "D-do you know where they are?"

"No he wouldn't tell me." Corbin sighed.

"Don't worry. I um.. I gotta go. I'll... I'll talk to you later." Corbin mumbled an 'okay' and Lori hung up.

Everyone waited and watched as Lori fought back her tears.

"I don't know why I want to cry. I've known this..." Lori leaned against the table.

"It's because you still love him, and deep down, you're still hoping that there is a reason for him to do this besides being a total asshole." David said pulling her into a hug.

It was at that moment, that Cole saw what David was doing all along, he was trying to cheer her up. He wasn't flirting. Even though he had only been part of the group for a while, he saw Lori as a sister. He was looking out for her.

"How about we get out of here, go eat some wings and watch the game." Dana suggested.

"Steelers?" They asked in unison.

Dana blushed and stuck his tongue out.

"Let's go." Lori smiled.

Dana laughed and jumped on her. They all laughed and headed to the car. Dana, Lori, Will and Natalia in Dana's car. Cole, Cassidy, Shawn and Hunter is Cole's car.

"Let's race!" Will shouted.

"Baby!" The girls yelled.

Gabe sat back and watched as both cars take off.

"Okay... they are gone." He said.

"Perfect." Alex purred.

He hung up and threw the phone. Why did he have to let her do this? Why?!? He drove back to the house and parked. He saw Alex drive up, get out of the car and tell the person 'bye'.

"Hey bab-" Alex walked up to him

"Don't. We aren't together.. This is just.." He said getting out.

"Don't worry, I know. So.. shall we." Alex smiled and waved to the house.

They both went inside and Gabe knew something was already off by the time he got into his bedroom.

"Come on, let me show you how fun I can be, before you make your final decision." Alex said closing the door.

Why now?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang