First week

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Lori sat up in bed and sighed AGAIN. Three in the morning. always at three in the morning.

"Babe it's your turn." Gabe groaned burying his head under the pillow.

"You still want kids?" Lori smirked.

He peeked out from under the pillow and smiled.

"Ours won't be as annoying."

She rolled her eyes and got out of bed, heading to Cassidy and Cole's room.

"Need any help?" Lori asked.

Cassidy looked up and nodded. Cole laid in bed still sleeping.

"Hold on." she walked out and headed to Dana's room.

"Dana..." she opened his door to find him half awake.



Dana got up and walked back to Cassidy's room with her. He slid his headphones onto Cole's head and looked through Lori's playlist.


She smiled and shrugged. He shook his head and kept searching.

"So he won't stop?" Dalton asked crawling into bed with Cole.

"No. I do to know what's wrong. I feed him, changed him, burped him..i can't think of anything." Cassidy cried.

"Build me up buttercup." Lori said.

Dalton nodded before closing his eyes. She took the phone from Dana and played the song. She kept it on low till the right moment when.


Cole jumped out of bed screaming causing Dalton to scream and fall out of bed. Dana smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"What the hell Lori!" Cole screamed.

Shawn started crying again. Lori glared at Cole.

"Cassidy has been up with him all this week and you've slept through it ALL! She can't do this alone Cole." Lori said.

Pain and sadness crossed his eyes as Cole looked at an exhausted Cassidy. He felt guilty on having slept through his sons cries and causing Cassidy to lose sleep. He stepped forward and held out his arms for Shawn. Cassidy handed Shawn to Cole and he instantly stopped crying.


Cassidy, lori, and Dana all stared as Shawn fell asleep in Cole's arms.

"Guess he just wanted Daddy." Dalton said half asleep. Lori laughed and Dana shrugged again. Poor Dana was so tired. Lori and Cassidy helped Dalton off the floor and back to his bed.

"Night night." Dalton mumbled.

Lori laughed and shook her head "goodnight dolphin."

She closed his door and lead Dana back to his room.

"Thanks Dana." Lori smiled.

"Anytime." Dana smiled back.

She watched as he instantly fell asleep as his head hit the softness of his pillow. She walked back to Cassidy's room and smiled when she saw both Cassidy and Cole asleep with Shawn sleeping on Cole. She closed their door and headed back to bed.

"So?" Gabe asked.

"He just wanted Cole to hold him." Lori snuggled closer to Gabe.

He held her and sang softly. She feel asleep to his voice and soon after he followed. Will and Natalia slept through the whole night.

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