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The second movie was over and Cole still couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

"Lori..." Gabe mumbled.

Cole and Dana looked at him still asleep.

"No!" Gabe screamed in his sleep.

The boys shook him and he jumped up.

"What?!?" He yelled.

"You okay?" Will asked.

Gabe nodded his head. He looked around and didn't see any of the girls.

"Alex left and Lori is in her room." Will answered his unasked question.

Gabe sighed and rubbed his face. Cole stared at his friend. How could he had let her go? why would anyone want to let a girl like Lori go? Then again.... He didn't really have a choice but to let her go.

"You like her, don't you." Cole said out of know where.

Gabe looked down and rubbed his neck. "I don't like Lori... I LOVE lori."

"And Alex?" Dalton asked

"I don't know man. I just... When I'm with Alex yeah we have fun but... with Lori I just....I can be myself. not just GABRIEL MORALES band member of IM5 and lover of BATMAN. but I can be me. Just Gabe, the sweet and smart guy that no one sees." He said

The guys looked at him. Dana blinked and shook his head.

DID HE REALLY JUST SAY THAT?!?! Dana thought to himself.

"Then tell her that." Cole said.

"Like that's gonna be easy." Dalton scoffed.

"She loves you man." Gabe said

"Of course she does. I'm her big brother. and if your referring to the kiss that happened 3 MONTHS AGO! then it meant nothing. she was just...sad. granted I wish she hadn't done it...but I can't change the pass. Besides I'm with Cassidy. I love her. " Cole said.


"Go tell her before I change my mind of letting you date my sister." Cole said pulling gabe off the couch and pushing him towards Lori's room.

Gabe smiled and walked to her room. He knocked on the door.

"Lori..can I talk to you..."

He knocked again. He put his ear to the door and heard nothing.

"Lori..." Gabe tried opening the door.

"Hey come on... you know Scott doesn't like you locking doors." He said.

He banged on the door.


Cole and Dalton came down the hall.

"What is going on?" Dalton asked.

"She locked the door." Gabe said.

"Maybe she is sleeping." Dana said popping up

"We would hear her music." Will said in a matter-of-fact tone

Cole threw himself against the door.

"Ow!" he cried.

Gabe and Dalton threw themselves against it and couldn't open it.

"Let me try." Will said.

He kicked the door and made a hole.

"Will!" Cole whined.

"Sorry..." Will smiled.

Cole, Dalton, and Gabe threw themselves one last time and knocked down the door.

The boys fell on to the floor while Dana and Will just walked past them.

"Where is she?" Will asked.

"Hey look. it's a note for Gabe." Dana said.

Gabe pushed Dalton off and snatched it out of Dana's hands.

"IM5..." Will said picking the other one up.

"Pendery?" Cole picked up the last one.

"Hey who left the window open?" Dalton said.

The boys looked at each other and then ran to the closet.

"Everything is gone." Dana said.

"She's gone..." Gabe said.

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