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Lori watched as they lowered her mother into the ground. Thunder roared and lightning struck. The rain started poring down on everyone.

"Lori!" Michelle screamed

Lori shook her head.

"No..." she said.

She fell to her knees and started clawing at the grave.

"No! You can't leave me!" she screamed .

"Lori stop!" Cole ran back to her.

He picked her up and pulled her away.

"No!" she cried.

Michelle covered her mouth trying to hold back her cries. Scott pulled everyone into the limousine.

"Lori come on." Cole said.

"She promised! She promised she would be there!"she cried.

"I know." Cole held her.

She cried and cried and cried. She didn't like to cry because once she started, she couldn't stop.

"You have me. I'll always be with you. I'll never leave you." Cole said carrying her to the car. She cried into his shoulder. The door shut, and they started driving away. Lori was leaving her behind. The one thing she needed most.

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