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9 months later

"Ahhh!" Cassidy screamed.

"Baby, breath." cole held her hand

"I AM BREATHING!" She grabbed his shirt.

"Cole." Lori said firmly.

Everyone was running beside the bed.

"Ow!" Will fell backwards.

"I got him!" Natalia yelled.

"Okay okay! Only two people in the delivery room." the doctor said pushing everyone out.

"I'm the father." cole said stepping around the doctor.

"Lori, I want you to be the godmother." cole said.

Lori stood there in shock.

"Having a baby!" Cassidy screamed.

Lori nodded and followed cole and the doctor. They prepared Cassidy for what was coming next.

"Oh my god!" Cassidy yelled.

"I don't want to look." lori said.

Cole picked up the blanket and looked.

"Cole don't you dare...." Lori said to late.

Cole got one look and fainted. Cassidy gasped and screamed.


"Cole it's just a vagina with a head popping out! Get up now before I make sure you and Cassidy never have kids again!" Lori yelled.

Cole got up and shook his head.

"I hate you so much cole!" Cassidy yelled.

"W-what did I do?" He stuttered.

"You did this to me!"she squeezed his hand.

"Okay one more BIG push." the doctor said.

"Come on baby." Cole held her.

They held her legs while she pushed. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four. One more big push, and you'll be in pain no more.

"It's a boy!" the doctor said.

Cassidy fell back into the pillow and sighed. Cole wiped away tears that had fallen and Lori stared at the new addition to the family.

"A boy." Lori whispered.

"A healthy one by the looks of it." the doctor said handing him to the nurse.

Cassidy had Lori follow the nurse. Cole kissed Cassidy and kept thanking her. Lori smiled and followed.

"I'm just gonna check his weight, hight and all that good stuff." the nurse said smiling.

Lori nodded and waited outside the room. she watched through the glass window.

"One of them yours?" a voice asked.

Lori shook her and mumbled a no.

" I love coming and watching the babies."

Lori looked and smiled at the girl.

"Lori." she held out her hand.

"Karina." the girl said smiling shaking lori's hand.

They looked back and Lori smiled when the nurse brought him back.

"Any names come to mind?" the nurse again.

Lori shook her head. The nurse handed her the baby and said that she would be back. Lori bit her lip.

"You look good with a baby in your arms." Gabe said.

Lori rolled her eyes. "Don't get any ideas."

Gabe chuckled. Karina had left without a single 'bye' Lori didn't mind.

"Oh my god. is that him?" Natalia came running.

"Shh!" Lori hissed.

Natalia smiled and rolled her eyes.

"We have an ERIC!" Will screamed.

Dalton slapped him upside the head. will frowned and rubbed his head. Lori rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Hey, thought I heard will." cole said coming around the corner.

All the guys hugged Cole and congratulated him.

"It was hard work." he said.

They all laughed and looked at the girls. Lori and Natalia both glared at Cole.

"What?" he said.

They rolled their eyes.

"Mr. Pen- oh! okay, your wife is in her room now. She may have visitors." A nurse said walking away.

"Lets go see Cassidy." Dana said.

Lori stood frozen. Gabe frowned and followed her gaze. He growled when he saw who she was staring at. He wrapped his arm around Lori and the baby.

"Don't look. He can't hurt you. I won't let him lay a finger on you." He said kissing her forehead.

She nodded and both of them headed for Cassidy's room.

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