Chapter 30: Storm before the calm part 2

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Chapter 30: Storm before the calm part 2

Chelbell 2016:

My Christmas present to you guys finish this one Christmas eve, update my other story and start the first chapter of Courtney Oliver: Back to action. Thanks guys for all the reviews and I really hope you have enjoyed this story.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Cam's POV:

Me, Mickaela and the wind rangers were working on trying to get Ninja ops fixed or see if we could find any clue to what had happened to Courtney or my father.

''This cant be how it ends,'' Shane said looking anguished.

''Whoa what happened here.'' We all turned to see both Hunter and Blake coming through the door looking around at the wreckage. Mickaela's eyes began to water as she Jumped and threw her arms around Hunter who held her close to him.

''You guys made it.'' Dustin said smiling as we all looked at each other feeling relief that we were all ok ''we thought you were toast for sure.''

''Vexacus torched the Thunder megazord,'' Blake explained to us all ''so we ejected.''

''Where's Courtney?'' Hunter looked around for the orange ranger wondering why she wasn't here.

''We don't know,'' I said and when they looked confused I sighed ''Lothor got here and I think he took her. She pushed me out of the way and I got knocked out,'' I pointed at all the wreckage ''I woke up Dad and Courtney are nowhere to be seen and ops looks like this.''

Hunter and Blake looked around feeling as worried as we all felt.

''We were too late.'' Dustin pointed at him Shane and Tori as he spoke.

another voice came from behind us. ''Better late than never I always say.'' I spin around shocked to see my dad in his human form getting up from under some rubble.

''DAD!'' I yelled running over and hugging him tight which he returned and the others ran over to hug him as well. I was thrilled to see him as a human again.

''It's good to see you.'' Hunter said as Mickaela and Tori finished hugging him.

''Finally.'' Blake added.

''Yeah you're like totally normal.'' Dustin pointed out.

''When Lothor blasted me Courtney raised a shield but enough power got through to allow me to reverse the transformation.'' At that moment I felt even more grateful to Courtney. My dad and me would be dead if not for her.

''Do you know where she is?'' I asked hoping that she had made it out.

''She was captured.'' He said sadly.

''We'll get her back.'' Tori said trying to make us all feel better.

''It will not be easy Tori,'' Dad said and I had a feeling that he knew something that we didn't ''My darkest fears have come to pass. Lothor is preparing to open the abyss of evil.'' My eyes widened.

''Are you serious,'' Blake said as Mickaela got closer to Hunter realising how bad this was going to get ''I thought that was just ninja folklore.'' He said shaking his head.

''It is no coincidence that blue bay harbour is the home of the wind ninja academy, or that the fire academy is in reefside,'' dad said glancing at Mickaela as he said this ''As the abyss lies between both of them we are the guardians to an invisible gateway. A gateway that once opened will allow all the evil of the ages gone to escape.''

''Then why hasn't Lothor opened it before now?'' Shane asked in confusion but something was bugging me.

''The abyss can only be opened when it is at full capacity,'' he told us but then he glanced uneasily at me ''even then it can only be opened by a powerful force.'' Now I knew why he had come here.

Courtney Oliver: Firestorm rangerformWhere stories live. Discover now