Chapter Four.

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I can’t think a single second of my life without you! On this special day I want you to be mine forever…will you be mine?

-Cute Proposal Quotes.


He gave me some seconds to recollect myself as my heart was beating in my ears and opened his mouth to start talking.

"Melody" He started looking at me in the eyes. "You... "

He stopped and took a deep breath.Is he nervous too?This statement make me smile.

"You have completely changed my life turning it upside down in a good way of course."

As he was telling his speech I was feeling as if my heart would explode and let all the butterflies free.

"The moment I saw you in the parking lot,I knew you were different,there was something about you who light the flame inside me but I was too blind to see it.And everytime I look into your eyes I don't see the monster that I am,you are able to help me love me for who I am.I admire the way you care and the way you are kind toward everyone and it makes me want to try harder to be that way myself."

I could not help the tears falling as I stare at his face and how his breath was quick and his eyes were full of passion and hope.

"I may not give you everything you've always wanted but I love you and now I asked you with the soul about which you repeat to me everytime that is not damned...will you make me the happiest man on earth and answer this question : Melody Destiny... will you marry me?"

I did not realised that both of my hands was in front of my mouth as he slowly opened the ring box.The little diamonds on the ring was shining with the light from the lantern,reflecting in the eyes of Edward.

He was waiting for my answer as my thoughts were messed up,and thoughts were racing in my head.This speech just brought  tears to my eyes as my heart was beating loudly like a drum accompagnying the music in the background.


-I'm just eighteen,wedding at an early age has never been in my plan.

-My parents will kill me.

-My parents will just reject me.

-Who now married at eighteen?

-Everyone will think I'm pregnant.

But who cares?I love Edward and he loves me.After all we've been through we are here at the beach with my favoutite song playing in the background.

A light breeze passed through my hair as I opened my mouth to answer.


Some seconds after the speech before Melody's answer:

I have been practicing a lot for the speech of the wedding proposal because I knew that looking in Melody's eyes I would be lost and just forget all what I was supposed to say and sure enough I messed up in the beginning but Rose told me to take a deep breath and to go for it and the speech was not what I was supposed to say actually.

The fact of looking at her,in her eyes made the words easier to come,in fact all those practices serve to nothing because she was the source of what I wanted to say.

I did not want to listen to her thoughts,I wanted to give her that moment of privacy.But the wait for her answer was becoming harder and harder.

And if she just ran away or answer no?

Stupid me.

I should have thought about it.

I mean she is just eighteen!She still has her life in front of her,maybe her plans were to marry at a certain age twenty five or older.

And I just came in her life and changed all her plans.

My knees were slowly starting to weaken waiting for her anwer, my arms also started to feel heavy due to nervousness.I am a vampire and she is able to make me feel weak but in a positive way.

She is my weakness,yet my bigger strength.

Damn it Edward.

I mean I'm so selfish,yes it's true I've wait a lot of years,but she still has her life to live and I come and ask her to marry me.

I should have thought twice before doing all of this.Now she must be embarass or feeling bad of refusing.

She is possibly freaking out thinking about how to reject my proposal in a way that she will not hurt me.

I was about to stand up apologizing of putting her in that unexpected and embarassed moment when I heard her said a faint word her mouth behind her hands.

Shit.Was it a yes or a no?

Stop overthinking Edward I scowled to myself.

"Yes!Hell yes!"She said louder now.

And then it was like as if something inside of me explode,it was like a bomb which explosed with happiness,relief and... love.

I thought that at that exact moment I would faint because of the dizziness from my happiness.

She threw herself on me,the familiar scent of her vanilla shampoo embracing me and I fell on the sand on my back and she fell on me.


As soon as we both fell on the sand I crashed my lips to his,not giving him time to talk.And I high five myself realising that some minutes ago I took a small mint.

Edward sighed of relief against my lips,and our lips were moving in sync.Then I slowly draw my lips away,keeping them close enough to Edward's lips so that they are almost touching but aren’t.This lingering build up more passion,as our breathing was hard against each other's lips.

He passed a hand through my hair and caressed my cheek as my eyes locked to his.

"Melody Cullen"He whispered and I blushed. "It sounds perfect"He laughed.

"I have to agree with that."I said as I put myself on both knees and Edward stood up helping me.

"Sorry for the sand on your tuxedo"I said biting my lip.

"It was worth it."He softly said the box of the ring in his hand.

I put my hair behind my ears and Edward's cold hands grazed my left one.

I followed his movements with my eyes,as his hands removed the ring from the box.

He watched me while he grabbed my hand and he was smiling at him,his eyes were smiling too,sparkle in his eyes,and I'm sure it was the same for me.

As he took my hand and slowly slide the ring down my finger,my heart continued to beat loudly.

It is was unknown feeling,a small weight on my finger,a weight making me realised that he want me to be his.



Okay WOW I don't know how many times ( a lot im sure) I have deleted rewrite and so on to make this moment perfect.

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Love you all xoxox

Peace! ✌

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