Chapter Eight.

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"Soooo"Alice trailed off.

Rose is next to me on the couch and Alice and Bella are sitting on the floor in front of us.

The guys are our 'waiters' tonight.Well Rose threatened them that she wanted everything to be perfect and that if at any moment I was thirsty or hungry I'll just have to ring a bell.

Yeah a little bit extreme I know.

"Let's do our nails!"Rose said excitedly making me smile.

It's really how our friendship started,me seeing her nails for the first time falling in love with them haha.

Rose was doing my nails and Alice for Bella.

"So...Melody what are you going to give Edward for his birthday?"Bella awkwardly asked while trying to make a conversation.

"Um..."I said awkwardly.

"It's not your problem,you are not even supposed to be he-"

I cut Rose.

"I actually forgot his birthday."I said quickly.

Bella gasped but then recover "Oh but you still have tomorrow to search for it."

"Yeahh,anyone can suggest me what to give him?"I asked while putting a handful of popcorn in my mouth.

"I can only tell you that he will loooove your gift."Alice said excitedly.

As you can see,Alice can see a future.

"Can you give me a hint of what's I'm going to give him?"I plead.

"Nope,nope"She giggled.

"Thank you"I rolled my eyes as Rose started to laugh.

After letting my nails dry,Rose was installing the wii u she wanted to play just dance.

"I'm gonna get some juice" I said.

"Ring the bell,Emmett will bring it"Rose said as she was connecting some cables.

I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen.Edward was sitting on the bar talking to Emmett who was sitting on a chair.

"Hey Emmett"I said giving him a high five.

"Hey little girl,you know that Rose is going to kill you because you did not ring the bell right?"

"Probably,but she is having a tough time with the Wii u so"I shrugged and chuckled.

"Ahh I told her to tell me if she needs help with it"Emmett rolled his eyes and went out of the kitchen to go and help her probably.

"How is it going?"He asked as my body was between his legs as he was still sitting on the table.

"It's pretty fun,look at that"I said showing him my nails.

He grabbed my hand and smiled.

"She is pretty good"He said and chuckled.

"Thank you Edward!"Rose shouted from the other room and we both laughed.

"What are your plans guys?"I asked Edward as I open the fridge and take out the small bottle of juice.

"Well,we are working as waiters and maybe if Rose let us we'll join you."He chuckled.

"Hey!If Melody does not come back,I won't let you guys join us!."Rose shouted from the other room.

"Go go!"Edward said quickly as I laughed and turned around making my way out.

"Wait a minute"Edward grabbed my hand and turned me around sending me chills.

He was leaning in and was about to kiss me-

"Okay stop"Rose grabbed my hand and took me away from Edward.
"You guys will have all the time to do it later,now time for just dance!"She said excitedly.


The chapter is soooo short.And I'm sorry it's been so long!
But yeah enjoy xox
My insta: annkelly_j
Love you 💗
See you 💗

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