Chapter Ten.

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My eyes are wide open as I'm laying on the couch.Bella is snoring really loud and Rose went hunting it's actually three in the morning.After all what happened Rose understood that I was exhausted and Edward and I did not talk again since the 'fight'.

I sat up and removed my hairband as I was having a headache.I woke up and went in the kitchen trying to open the drawers as silently as possible.

"Take this"A voice said besides me and I jumped scared.

"Sorry"Edward was here with a small smile.

"Gosh,I could have died."I said half scared and half smiling.

He went towards the bar and took a bottle of water pouring it in a glass,his movements were so swift.

He put the glass in front of me and gave me a tylenol.

"For your headache."He said.

"Thanks"I said while taking it.

He nodded and then added:

"Rose won't be back until one hour,even though... you're mad if you need anything don't hesitate."

He looked at me then down turned around and started to go back.

"Wait"I sighed,the headache leading me to be weak. "I'm not mad well not anymore...and...and your birthday is in two days,I can't do that to you."

I said with a small smile,a sincere one.

He let out a breath I'm sure he did not know he was holding and took some steps towards me.

He grabbed my face,and glanced at my lips.I know he is still hesitating.

"Come on"I grabbed his collar and pull him closer and our lips connected.


I've spent two days.Two days in the shops,malls to find the perfect gift for Edward but in vain.I've barely see Edward,and I miss him so much,but i really needed to find something but got nothing.

I sat on a bench trying to calm my nerves.I can't not give him a gift oh my god.

At midnight I've sent him a text saying happy birthday and he told me if he could pass and I told him in the afternoon and it's actually two pm.

"Come on Melody"I said then started to walk back to the direction of my house.

I was walking and a little shop catched my attention,I entered it and grinned.

Perfect Gift.


I was sitting in the forest near Mel's room,I would give her her time to change and everything then I'll go inside.

Alice has been jumping excitedly for the last one hour excited about my gift and she was trying really hard not to think about it.

I can't help the smile.

I mean,it's not about the fact that I'm excited to see what she's gonna give me,I am of course but seriously even tho she did not had anything I would not mind.

She is my gift.

I've never celebrate my birthday,because for me it represented one year added to my torturous life.

But then she changed everything.

She makes me glad that I am alive.

I smiled more as her thoughts were loud and she was debating whether I would like the gift or not.

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