Three more days (Suga x Reader)

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Three more days of this. Just a couple more days before he would come back. You miss him dearly and you know he misses you too, but it was something that was part of the job, whether you liked it or not. Touring always demanded a lot of Suga since he never has liked crowded and loud places, so as soon as he came home each time he was happy it was just you and him.

Just three more days. Keep holding on.


Two more days of this. Time goes by slow for the both of you, even when you think of one another. You already make a plan to surprise him with when he comes home this time. All will be quiet and normal, no fans, not the other boys around. Just the two of you, like a normal couple.

You can survive these coming days, I know you can. After that you can come home and rest.


One more day of this. Tomorrow he will finally come back, returning to his safe haven where he is no longer Suga, but just Yoongi Min. He can just be a normal guy whenever he is with you and that is precisely what you love about him. Fame meant nothing to him as long as you were there. His happiness was yours and vice versa.

Tomorrow will be just us and silence. No crowds, no noise. I'll see you then.


Today. He is finally home. The door softly opens and closes, a sign it is him indeed. Just as you are making coffee for the both of you, he slowly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, his head resting on your shoulder. 'I'm home, (Y/N).'

You let your head rest against his. 'I'm glad you're back, Yoongi.'

He smells the scent of the black gold you are brewing and asks: 'For us?'

You make an agreeing sound. 'Yes, I thought it might be nice. Just us, coffee, a blanket and the couch. You need to rest.'

He softly kisses your temple and lets you go. You hear his footsteps heading towards the sofa where he sits down and wraps the blanket around him. You join him and as soon as you do so, he rests his head on your shoulder once more to fall asleep. His coffee remains untouched, but you do not mind. Yoongi is all you need.

For now we can be normal and that is all we need.  

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