The truth of cups and swords (TH x Reader)

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The shift in the dark certainly is not imagined, the dip in the bed against the background of a familiar deep voice humming in relieved content not a part of the disturbed vague already forgotten dream. A warm chest presses against the back, a tanned arm covered by sun-bleached hair pressing us together in a tight embrace, fingers instinctively entwining.

If slumber did not nuance the ability to deal with reality, I would immediately have turned over and buried my face in the hollow between prominent collarbones scented with ylang-ylang despite once again having been abandoned for three months due to touring. Instead, a cute nose with a beauty mark on the tip nuzzles the back of the head affectionately as a low chuckle undoubtedly forms a boxy grin on dearly missed lips. 

'A sound of something breaking. I awake from sleep. A sound full of unfamiliarity. Try to cover my ears but can't go to sleep.' Softly, speech volume lowered by the exhaustive homebound trip, Taehyung sings the song that has become a peaceful lullaby regardless of the bittersweet lyrics. 'The pain in my throat gets worse. Try to cover it. I don't have a voice. Today I hear that sound again.'

'You don't have to bury your voice for me. I'm still here for you.' Eyes remaining half-shut, a lingering kiss is placed on the knot of digits, savouring the feeling of finally holding hands again after such a long time. 'You should have told me you'd come back tonight. I'd driven to the airport to pick you up.'

In spite of having gotten used to the long periods alone, there has never been a true adjustment to the mostly long-distance relationship. The immense joy overflows attitude every time the plane lands and the beloved steps through the crowded front door of the airport, practically launching himself at where I stand patiently waiting beside the car via swinging the bag containing luggage forward for extra momentum and fueled by the cheers of six amazing friends. 

And as soon as that bag hits the concrete ground of the parking lot and arms envelop us in an assuring tight hug, the idol status is left behind and he is the thoughtful gentle boyfriend of little more than two years.

Then he is just the normal Kim Taehyung. 

'Sorry for waking you up. I thought you were sleeping.' Though not being able to see in the dark, it is not difficult to paint an image of the bafflement in the puppy eyes of the sweet lover on the other side of the bed. In fact, it makes the corners of the mouth curl up in a genuinely grateful smile, the first one since after the long period of a regular absence.

'Anyone would wake up when the bed seems to give out under them.' 

The tired hum substituting a nuanced laugh acknowledges the jest before turning serious again. 'I'm not letting you drive to the airport at two in the morning. Besides,' plush lips place a gentle kiss on the shoulder as the hug becomes a bit tighter and the body immediately reacts by sinking into the tranquillity of the gesture, 'I'm here now, in time for our anniversary.'

'You didn't forget.' It comes out meekly because forgetting the special occasion would have been likely thanks to the utterly fully booked schedule wherein every second requires attention since it counts. Time is of the essence and money, after all.

It almost happened with the first, although the reminder for that one was casually given just in time the day before during a Skype call with the thought it would take at least another month before being together again. However, a very astonishing breakfast in bed was prepared, the biggest surprise the sudden homecoming that had passed unnoticed in the night. 

Yet now, despite all the expectations of being an idol, the celebration is remembered without the need for a memo of any nature. 'Of course, babe. How can I after last year? I installed an alarm for it directly after on my phone so it can't happen again. The guys are coming back next week, but I couldn't wait. Management was reluctant to let me leave early due to some promotions that have yet to be done, but Namjoon talked with them and now I'm here. I promise you that from now on, I'll never forget it. But it's late, so let's go to sleep. Celebrating is something for tomorrow.'

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