Step by step (Jimin x Reader)

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You asked for it and he agreed. No backing out now.

During a lunch date with Jimin you had nonchalantly remarked you would love to be taught how to dance, so you would no longer look like a broomstick on the dancefloor. Jimin, being the sweetheart he is, offered to teach you.

In a way you asked for a teacher and now you had found one who agreed to take you under his wing, despite your terrible skills.

Cancelling is not an option, not that it ever has been. Standing up Jimin is the last thing you would do. No, a promise is a promise.

Walking into Big Hit's dance studio, you see Jimin is already warming up. As soon as he sees you enter in the mirror, his eyes light up and a smile appears on his face.

'Hey, dance legend,' he teases you as a way of greeting. As a response you softly punch his upper arm.

'Shut up, not everyone is as good as you are,' you defend yourself, earning an even bigger smile from him. 'What are you grinning about?' Your eyes look at him, wondering why he is still trying it after all this time.

'You look so cute when you defend yourself,' he says with a voice that is more shy than earlier, his confidence somewhat faded.

To change the subject and prevent the situation from becoming awkward, you clear your throat and ask: 'So, what are you going to teach me?'

He is happy with the change and quickly regains his composure. Things like this had happened in the past, him making his feelings for you clear as day. However, you did not want to ruin the friendship, hence why you kept your growing feelings for him hidden until this day. It would be better this way, in case everything would go wrong.

'I was thinking about teaching you the choreography for ''Run''. It is one of the easiest to learn, but first you need to warm up.'

Protesting will be of no use, since he is the professional and knows what he is doing. If he says you cannot get straight to dancing, you will not.

After a little warming-up, during which he made sure you did every exercise appropriately, you begin with the dancing and learning process.

Jimin demonstrates each move and corrects you when needed. His teaching is a mix between strictness and fun, he wants you to have a good time, but also truly improve and learn as well.

When you get to the chorus, he shows a move that makes him show his bare shoulders and muscled upper arms. Secretly enjoying the view, you ask him to repeat the movement a couple of times. All in the name of progress, of course. Well, that is what you tell yourself even though your mind says something else.

After the third time he understands what you are doing. 'Being a secret pervert, are we?' he asks with a mischievous smile.

You do not even get the chance to deny it, because he walks over to you and playfully pins you to the ground before you can utter another word. 'I never knew you had that side to you.'

'I'm full of surprises,' you answer sheepishly.

'You sure are,' he whispers as he brings his head closer to yours and kisses you gently. Your eyes widen in astonishment, but close as you give in. It is a nice feeling, his soft lips against yours.

'Jimin,' you softly mumble when he pulls away.

'You know what I feel for you.' His eyes have an all-knowing look to them. 'And I think I know what you feel for me too.'

He knows. Is it so obvious? If it is, you can slap yourself in the face for failing your mission.

'I just don't want to ruin things between us.' The words come out as a hushed whisper, bearing no conviction at all.

'Me neither, but I want to try. In spite of how hard it may be, I want to grasp this chance and make things work.'

Too many doubts dwell in your mind, but one voice keeps saying: 'Say yes, you dummy. You won't regret it.'

Deciding to listen to your instincts, you nod. 'I want to try as well, just promise me you'll stay. Even if it does not work out. I don't want to lose my friend.'

He lets go of your wrists and pulls you up in his arms, gently caressing your hair. 'Of course I'll stay. Every day from now on I will show how much I love you, so that no insecurity will remain. When all uncertainties are gone, even then I will illustrate multiple times how much you mean to me. It is a demonstration I'll never tire of giving.

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