Sleepless nights (Jimin x Reader)

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All is dark, except for the light that emanates from the screen. During these nightly hours everyone is asleep, but not me. I am still up and running, trying to type as fast as lightning in order to note everything down before I forget the ideas. Ah, the life of a writer.

Never had I thought I would live this kind of existence and yet here I am, my h/c in a messy bun, drinking what can be the fifth cup of coffee today, wearing pyjamas and glasses.

Looks like it is going to be one of those sleepless nights.

What time is it even? I have been so occupied with writing I completely forgot it even exists.

Turning the lights on will be too much of a hassle. Besides, why would I? The silent clock on the wall, which is forever stuck on three o'clock, is mere decoration. Plus, there is a tiny digital timekeeper at the bottom of the visual display unit.

Will you look at that? It is precisely three o'clock. Sunrise is just a few hours away. Considering a big part of the night has passed already, I may as well stay awake and pull an all-nighter.

Half an hour and a cappuccino later I decide to take a break, give my eyes some rest from the blue light. On the other hand, a smartphone emits it too, so I am not better off.

After having turned the device on, a small notice of a new message pops up. Apparently it is sent by my friend: Jimin.

He and I met during an event for new authors that want to get their names out there. He walked up to me with my debut roman in his hands and asked for my signature. Not in a long time had he read such a good story, which flattered me and I humbly replied I thought it was a nice tale, but not something special.

I still had and have a long way to go before I can rival my idols, such as Haruki Murakami and Herman Hesse. Those men are geniuses.

Since then we have kept in contact and met a couple of times. It instantly clicked between us, which lead to him being my proofreader and editor. Thanks to Jimin I am able to make a living doing what I love, in spite of the lifestyle it has caused. However, it is the price I am willing to pay for this passion.

I snap out of my train of thoughts and check what he has to say.

'Y/n, still working? Please tell me you aren't.' The text was sent a minute ago.

Of the two of us I am the night owl, so what is he doing this time of night messaging me? He has never done this before.

'Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Who shall say?' I reply with a teasing emoji after the question mark.

'You are, aren't you? Y/n, we talked about this. Think about your health.'

Jimin has never approved of my tendency to stay up all night just to write. It makes him worry and fear I will lead myself to ruin. Nevertheless he has a point, but once I start, I cannot simply stop. The words demand to be written and I can only obey their commands.

'I know, Chim Chim, I know. However, what I want to know is why you are still awake. Shouldn't you be sleeping?'

'Insomnia decided to barge in tonight and nothing helps. So I thought I'd ask the queen of caffeine for help.'

'I don't think you should ask me if I am the ruler of the waking realm.'

'Fair point. I simply wanted to talk, maybe get some sleep out of it.'

'Are you calling me boring?' Although I know he does not mean it that way, I cannot help but send that reaction.

'No, not at all,' he replies rapidly.

'Well, I am currently on a little break, so I can't talk too long. Let me think of a solution for your problem.'

'Oh boy, here it comes...'

An odd feeling suddenly washes over me, making me feel empty and alone. Why? I have never felt this in the past. What can I do to make it go away?

Invite him, a tiny voice in my mind says. He is cute after all.

Where do those ruminations come from? We are merely friends, colleagues even. It does feel isolated being here by my lonesome, though.

Just this once I will give in to my inner devil. 'How about you drop by to have a sleepless night together? The sun will rise soon anyway.'

'Y/n, I want to catch some shut eye and not be staying up until sunrise.' It disappoints me to read that, but the message that follows makes my heart jump in a strange delight. 'Then again, I want to pull you away from your desktop and get you to sleep. I'll be right there.'

Jimin wants to bring me to bed? He will have a hard time in doing so, because I have never felt more wide awake.


Ten minutes later he stands in front of me in the doorway, clad in grey sweatpants, dark blue hoodie, matching snapback and black glasses.

'You look tired,' he greets me. 'The coffee can only help you so much.'

'Hello to you as well,' I answer sarcastically. 'The caffeine has helped me thus far. I got quite a bit done, actually. With just another cup of black gold I should be able to finish this chapter,' I add chipper whilst gesturing for him to come inside.

As I set a step in the direction of the kitchen, where the liquid treasure awaits me, he grabs my wrist. 'No more coffee and no more writing. You're seriously going to collapse if you keep this up.'

'But-' All protests are lost when Jimin pulls me against him in a hug.

'Please, go to sleep.' The words contain a silent plea. Shyly he adds: 'With me.'

Did my eyes pop out of their sockets? It feels like they have. 'S- sleep with you?' I stutter, completely awestruck by his request.

'Not like that, silly.' Playfully he taps my nose. 'Like this.'

He pulls me along to the sofa, onto which we lie down. His arms around me pull me closer in the warm embrace.

It is then that I realize how tired I actually am. It feels as if my bones are disappearing and my muscles are liquefying. Burying my face in his chest, my eyes soon close.

'Even my queen has to sleep,' he softly mumbles and kisses the top of my head. A small smile forms around my lips before I drift off into a sweet dreamless sleep.

I am his queen, ruler of the waking realm, and he is my king of slumber.

Dear Jimin,

I wish you the happiest of birthdays and I hope it will be a grand ol' time during this special 22nd anniversary.

May we have the opportunity to celebrate many more years and grow older together.

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