Study night (TH x Reader)

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College, the start to a new phase in life and a step closer to full independence when one takes up residence in the city where the university is located in case it is nowhere close to the place called "home" for years on end. Of course, the rent is high in this particular one, but the splendid connection and shared apartment makes up for the high cost since two people have to pay the monthly fee of living in a renovated historical building located in the old centre with its, unfortunately severely dirtied, canal and canal cellars now housing restaurants and the old buildings like the one shared with Taehyung, all having their lower floors transformed into shops of all sorts.

The crowd of people roaming the streets, especially the overwhelming flow of tourists, is bothersome since there is never a moment of silence to be had, but the privilege of waking up to the carillon of the remaining clock tower of the church that was ruined by a tornado in 1674, severing the tower and actual church forever since they were rebuilt as two separate edifices that now domineer the heart, makes it all worth it with its gentle melodies that are way preferable over the daily sneering of the hellishly beeping alarm. Although neither seems to rouse the tanned housemate from slumber, so it can be called a true miracle the morning seminars or lectures are attended at all with two cups of coffee. Tae is an absolute darling, always bringing one for me as we nip at the hot drinks while trying to pay attention and making notes, slightly leaning on each other to not arouse too much suspicion regarding the low energy levels and simply because it is enjoyable to bask in the comfort of a friend this way.

It has taken a while to get to this stage, a whole summer, but even then it was reached fairly quickly. At the beginning of July, the move to this city was made with little belongings and some funds to buy the necessary furniture at IKEA, the paradise for broke students to shop for decent furniture that emits the feeling of a nonetheless stylish and prosperous living.

Backpack containing a change of clothes, toiletries, a few beloved books and arms carrying a cardboard box containing the rest of the small collection of paperbacks and hardcovers that could simply not be left behind alongside a couple precious trinkets to have at least a bit of home in this strange yet familiar town, considering many hours had already been spent here during the youth that has only recently been left behind, the way was found to the correct house above a clothing shop of a higher price class, the front door right beside the entrance to the store.

It was opened after ringing the bell twice, stumbling feet reaching the door and long slender fingers undoing the lock on the other side. The actual face of the person I would come to be living with had never been seen at this point, the only contact established via email and solely concerning the pay of the rent and all other details accompanying moving in with someone might concern. Moreover, the photos put on the real estate page on Facebook were more than sufficient in providing information as to what the new living quarters would look like, so there was already a level of trust before the meeting. Plus, the opportunity to visit had never really been there since the previous months were jam-packed with travelling up until then and thus the face answering was a very pleasant surprise. Well, appearance-wise, but personality-wise there was still a long road ahead to get used to. A path which was not without its bumps.

In the doorway stood a tall sun-kissed young man likely of Asian parentage with broad shoulders, espresso brown hair that formed a mullet in the back - a hideous hairstyle otherwise, but somehow he managed to pull it off quite well - and kind molten chocolate almond-shaped eyes set above deep pink smooth lips. The outfit of the day consisted of a crisp white printed tee, feet stuck in matching Nike air max, on top of bright orange loose trousers.

A wondering look appeared on the handsome features that caused absolute bafflement because it was utterly unexpected to live with such a good-looking guy. Not that it made the view on living together, as two complete strangers, any different. 'Hey, can I help you?' Gaze drifting down to the cardboard box held more firmly to not show the sudden nervousness driving the heart to beat in overdrive and palms to become slightly clammy, the essential connection was made, creating a gentle smile conveying genuine surprise and happiness. 'You must be Y/N. Hi, I'm Taehyung. Come on in and I'll show you around.'

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