Faded songs (YG)

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When the opportunity arises to expand the musical horizon across physical boundaries, it is a chance worth taking. After all, a second opinion from a whole other culture may prove to be just the thing needed to finally compose that song that has been aching to be written but of which the harmony does always not seem quite right.

A while ago, a tweet by a foreign producer named Y/N happened to pass the revue during another night filled with endeavours to complete the next tune for the album but which somehow did not end up being right, even after multiple fine-tunings and changes in the melody. The fairly new on the block girl expressed hopes of one day being able to work with the big names out there and simply try until then to deliver proud projects to the public.

Memories of being exactly like that when the name Min Yoongi meant nothing arose at the notice of the short yet hopeful text, fingers moving the mouse to the full account of this oddly reminiscent stranger and clicking the SoundCloud link embedded in the short bio. Back then, only a few songs were uploaded but each one of them was a promise of grand potential on the scene. All she needed were the right contacts.

Something which can recently be said for certain as the name BTS is chanted across the world more often and louder day by day, people finding meaning in the lyrics of seven boys who came from nothing but all shared the same dream.

A wish the remarkable producer attempts to fulfil on her own, a feat that would be incredible if the process, arduous though it might be, will be seen through till the bitter end.

Become a professional like the man having spent hours upon hours in discussion with Bang PD in their favour, enchanted by Y/N's talent and wanting to work with it, because there was plain doubt about taking a rookie with no name on board. However, the sentiment was rapidly nullified at the comment that it was exactly this what the big boss did years ago and in sevenfold. Furthermore, it was unknown that there had been a rebellion in secret already which had resulted in establishing contact with the newbie regardless.

The first protest came to be thanks to the recognition of having been in a similar position, dreaming of creating a reputation worth remembering. Digits typed out a private message to reach out a week after discovering the soon upcoming and booming producer, complimenting the established work done so far for they were genuinely enjoyed and asking for advice concerning a certain song. To be more specific, about the one that could not be completed and had begun agonizing the mind, showcasing the torment by an audio file of the progress so far.

Due to time zone differences, a reply came delayed but provided to be a helpful source of input that slowly and unintentionally turned into a full-blown exchange about music and mastering of early versions and later discarding them over the digital highway.

Mayhaps it was the distance causing an odd appeal to the girl in another sense other than what would be professional, increasing during the long Skype calls whereby a sleepy face always greeted another depending on the time of day. The best were those when twilight painted the sky on Y/N's side and exhaustion had begun to take its toll, wanting to go to bed but also talk to the man who had been an esteemed role model to her, the person who the lovely rookie was thought never to be noticed by.

But she was noticed.

Still is with every new piece of music that is unfortunately not co-produced because of the professional aspect of the past relationship which proved to be the doom of the lingering suspicion that emotions for the peer had deepened along the way. Regardless of trying to fight any further attachment to Y/N other than to the necessary degree, it had become undeniable love had crept into the creation of the project.

Sadly, the strange stirring in the stomach at receiving an email containing another improving step in the collaboration - confirming the affection for the producer again and again - could never be acted upon due to policy, preventing the fulfillment of the wish for more of a personal bond whereby we actually enjoy each other's company in the flesh from happening.

The affectionate sentiments were returned but only remained to linger in the tiny occasionally dropped hints before reverting the conversation to lyrics and music during Skype calls when emotions started to become too much of an interference with work, mercilessly breaking two hearts over and over again yet trying to lighten the pain by playful banter turning into bickering about who should hang up first or chastising when a meal had not been eaten.

But, like a call, everything knows an end.

So the sole connection between star-crossed lovers now, is the fact that the famed producer has helped SUGA of BTS compose the final song that finished the next proudly made album and grand success for the boy band. Y/N is clearly on par with the idol who has been adored even despite the circumstances that have nullified the bond that grew from cold professionalism into a warmer intimate friendship.

And from that into love. Not for the celebrated mask-wearer, but the man underneath the façade.

Min Yoongi.

The eternal listener to songs from across the sea, enjoying the splendid melodies. A normal guy dreaming of composing them together while drinking a cup of black coffee and relive the old silly arguments.

Yet nothing which can fulfil that wish is found in the lonely studio nor in the ink staining hands which have tried to write a new song throughout the night.

All there is, is solitude.

Surrounded by empty pieces of music and perpetually silent instruments.


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