Trouble (V x Reader)

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Never has he uttered a word about it and yet you know. Despite the lies he tells you about stupid accidents or fights, you see right through him. He is hurting because of the place he should be able to call ''home'', but he cannot.

There are nights he shows up at your door, bruised and on the brink of breaking down. It is a complete mystery, how he manages to survive.

The buzzer from the front door goes off. You are certainly not expecting any visitors this time of night. Putting your finger on the button of the intercom, you ask: 'Who is this?'

'Miss, we have a man here that claims to live in this building with you. We caught him causing trouble on the street,' a stern voice from the other side of the communication system sounds. A police officer. Tae has been caught once again.

It has always been you who takes care of his problems by talking to the police. How many times had you been to the police station since you met him? Too many times, probably. However, he has no one but you.

If his father finds out, which he somehow seems to do every time, he will be in even bigger trouble. He will show up at your door again afterwards and then you can take care of his wounds once more.

You sigh and push the button to open the door. 'Come on in, gentlemen.'

A couple of minutes later there is a knock on the door and upon opening it two policemen stand in front of you. In between, Tae is leaning on them. 'Thank you for letting us in, madam. Normally we would have taken men like him directly to the station, but since he is no stranger to us and can do much worse, we will let it slip just this once,' the older one of the two says.

'Not a problem at all, officer. I should thank you for not punishing him this time,' you answer politely.

Tae raises his head, a mockingly confident smile on his face. 'See? Didn't I tell you I only speak the truth, sucker?'

His jeering almost causes the younger constable to take action, but his colleague gestures for him not to do so and you quickly take your friend over from them. 'He is her problem now.' He turns to face you. 'Good luck with that one,' he says with a softened expression. He and the other say their goodbyes and take their leave.

You kick the door shut and pull Tae along to the sofa. The smell of alcohol is strong on him, causing you to scrunch your nose in disgust. Carefully you sit him down and go to the bathroom to get the first aid-kit.

Holding a towel soaked in ice cold water against his skin to lessen the pain and bruising, you look him straight in the eye. 'You are damn lucky, you know? For the police to let you go so easily?'

No reaction, just two confident eyes looking at you and that same mocking smile around his lips. 'Have you been drinking?'

'Only a bit,' he answers nonchalantly. 'Nothing to worry about. Relax.'

'How can you say that? ''Relax''?' Your blood is boiling because of his attitude. 'Have you got any idea as to how worried I am about you?' Your voice has become so loud you are basically yelling at him. 'No, of course you don't! Because you take to drinking to forget everything and come morn everything is as before. The only that's changed is that you have a headache and are at my place instead of your own. I am sick of it, Taehyung. I am sick of you being a coward.'

He grabs your wrist, anger burning in his eyes. 'Don't you dare to call me a coward. Do you have any idea how hard my life is?' He is speaking through gritted teeth, instilling some kind of fear in you. His other hand grips your free wrist and holds it firmly, iron-like. It does not hurt, not yet.

'Yes, I do know. Who always comes to the police station when you get caught? I do. Don't act like I know nothing.' His grip tightens and is now really starting to hurt.

He looks as if he is about to do something if he lets go of you and you know exactly what that something is. One hand is already letting go of your wrist, which is red, and is slowly being raised. Your eyes go from the hand to him. 'Tae, don't be like him. You're not a monster,' you whisper, horrified at the prospect of what might happen.

Despite his drunken state, he seems to have a moment of realisation. He averts his gaze and shakes his head whilst softly mumbling ''no'' over and over. He lets go of your other wrist, that is as red as the other one, and buries his face in his hands. Softly he starts to sob.

Your heart sinks at the sight of it. Carefully, as if handling a wild animal that can respond unexpectedly, you take him in your arms and gently caress his hair. 'Easy. It's alright, Taehyung. It's alright.'

He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer, hiding his face in your jumper. 'How can it be alright if I almost hit you? I am just like him.'

'You didn't hit me and you are not like him. As I already said, you're not a monster.' The words seem to calm him down a bit.

Suddenly he puts a hand on your cheek and kisses you like you are that which gives him life, as if you are life itself. Surprised, you just go with it. When he pulls away, he has the most tender look in his eyes. 'Please stay with me,' he begs, his voice a hushed whisper.

Before you can respond he collapses out of exhaustion onto you. Smiling at the sleeping boy, you place a kiss on his forehead and lay him down on the couch. Covering him with a blanket, you make your promise. 'I'll stay, but no more of this. No more alcohol.'

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