Haemultang, the food of love (Jimin x Reader)

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The salty sea breeze and seagulls form a new part of your everyday life as a waitress at a seafood restaurant located at the port in Busan.

The awful noise of the birds is toned down by the walls and double glass windows luckily, but replaced by the clatter of plates and cutlery in combination with the clinking of glasses. There are worse sounds in the world, is something you tell yourself every day.

One day a boy with orange hair walks in. He is perhaps a bit older than you, has full lips, dark yet friendly eyes and his black V-neck shirt shows his muscled arms.

He takes a seat by the windowpane that looks out over the sea and is the only one without ships concealing the scenery.

Menu card in hand, you walk over to the stranger. 'Good afternoon, would you like something to drink?' you ask with your notepad at the ready.

A beautiful smile graces his lips as he answers. 'A glass of sparkling water, please.'

'Want something to eat as well? Or just a drink?'

'My friends told me the food here is great, so why not.' His grin transfers to his eyes, causing you to beam too.

'Word travels around, I see,' you say and give him the menu.

'Prepared, were you?' he jokes as he accepts the card.

'Always.' You chuckle as you note down his order. 'Okay, I'll be right back.'

He nods and begins studying the variety of dishes as you turn around to get the refreshment.


When you return a bit later with a glass in your hand and a bottle of bubbling water in the other, he has made his decision.

'What may I get you?'

'The Haemultang sounds really good,' he answers.

'A fine choice. It's one of my favourites,' you say as you write the name of the dish on the notepad. Your mouth almost begins to water already at the memory of the spicy seafood soup.

'It must be good if you like it.' He gives you the card back, which you accept with a slightly trembling hand. This boy is smooth with his words.

'I shall hand the order in.' You feel your cheeks warm up and quickly head for the kitchen before you turn as red as a lobster.

Glancing over you shoulder, you see he has buried his face in his hands, but not enough to conceal the blush on his cheeks.

Apparently you are both in a worsening shape because of each other.


The delicious smell of the Haemultang does nothing to distract your thoughts from the customer who had ordered it.

The stranger's eyes focuses on you when he notices the food in your hands, but rather than looking at the food, he mostly looks at you.

As you serve the steaming bowl, he does not shift his gaze. Your eyes meet for a split second, merely to look another way afterwards before it starts to cross the boundary of staring.

'Thank you,' he stutters. Afraid to stumble over your words, you simply nod and rush to help other clients.


Trying to focus on your work proves to be hard, because you find yourself casting a glimpse in his direction every now and then.

The guy piques your interest like no one has ever done before. However, you cannot tell exactly why.

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