Homemade meal (Jin x Reader)

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A scent hung in the air and evades the bedroom. It wakes you up and as you do so, your hand stretches out to the empty spot besides you. Jin had already got out of bed it seems. A delicious smell and an empty bed, that could only mean one thing. You get out of the bed and make your way downstairs, to the kitchen. You were right, he is indeed doing what you think he would. Jin always appeared to be in his element every time he was cooking, like a true chef. You had thought many times that if he were not in BTS, he would probably open his own restaurant somewhere. He would have at least one regular customer, though many would become as well since his cooking was to die for.

Being fascinated, you observe him. It is his greeting that pulls you out of the trance. 'Good morning, (Y/N). Sleep well?'

You nod. 'Yeah, I slept well. What are you making? It smells incredible in here.'

'Just breakfast,' he answers nonchalantly. Pointing to the table behind you, he says with a smile: 'It's almost done too. I just need to fry up this tofu and after that you can attack the food.'

On the table behind you stood various side dishes to have with your soup and rice. Your eyes almost popped out of your head at the sight of so much food on display. 'Oh my God, Jin, did you make all this?' Your voice betrays your surprisement.

'Yeah, I did. If it is too much, we can just keep the leftovers and eat them tomorrow. Or I could give it to the boys, since I'm their eomma.' He laughs at his own remark.

'If it is as good as all your other cooking, then I do not want to share. More than that, maybe I'll have some more for lunch.' You smirk, not willing to share your food with the others. They are your friends, sure, but Jin's cooking is something you did not want to share.

Jin puts another plate down and serves the tofu on it. You wait until he sits down before you munch down on the food. 'Are you starving?' Jin asks as he regards your great appetite in action, laughing at how much you are enjoying your meal.

You wipe your mouth with a napkin and say: 'Well, not necessarily, but it's just so good.'

You both continue to eat, just chatting about common things.

Afterwards, you put your chopsticks down and sigh contently. 'I missed this.'

Jin's eyes have a questionable look to them. 'What did you miss?'

'Just us two being together, eating breakfast and just chatting. I miss those moments when you're gone... and the cooking too,' you added with a teasing smile.

He laughs and shakes his head. 'I sometimes think you miss the meals more than me, but I miss this too when I'm away. It is nice to eat with the rest, but nothing beats this. Nothing is better than enjoying a homemade meal with you, (Y/N).'

'Next time, I'll make you something. It's not fair you are the only one who has to cook.'

'Just don't burn anything, like you did before.' His eyes and voice have a slight uncertainty in them. True, you were not the best cook in the world, but you had maybe let the food burn once or twice. Or was it thrice already? You did not keep count of it.

'Come on, how many times have I actually messed up?'

'I don't know anymore, but since then I took over the cooking. Now that I think of it, it has been quite some time I saw you cooking,' he teases you.

You pout your lip, not willing to advance the discussion. 'Just let me try again, please?' you ask with big doe-eyes.

He sighs, unable to resist them as always. 'Alright, you get another chance. However, you better make it count. I'll be judging you, (Y/N), and I won't hold back in my judgement.'

'I won't disappoint, chef.'

'You better not,' his eyes turn mischievous, 'or otherwise I'll have to punish you.'

'Will you now?' you says with a suggestive tone.

He leans over to you. 'First you have to perform though.'

Since then you practice your cooking every day, gradually less burning the dishes. One day you will be able to beat him in making the best homemade meal, but until then you would not mind it either if he punishes you.   

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