Set the table (Namjoon x Reader)

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The hours did not seem to want to pass today. The boss did not want to leave you alone on top of it. Every time you thought you were done with checking an article on errors, he came by and delivered about twenty more. Those were the small piles of paperwork, the big ones were about five times the size. Lucky for you not all articles took three pages. It is a hard life as an editor.

Outside it is raining, casting the city in a gloomy grey light. Umbrella in hand and wearing headphones, you walk the wet concrete streets to your apartment.

Recently your boyfriend Namjoon had moved in with you. However, the guy cannot cook for the life of him. During break he send you a text in which he asked you if there was anything special you wanted to eat for dinner. In reply you send him ''why?'', feeling something fishy was going on. He texted back he wanted to cook for you, because you work so hard all the time and deserve a treat.

Knowing him, he cannot even cut an onion properly, you pray he has not burned the building down.

'Darling, I'm home,' you say with a loud voice as you enter the flat.

No fire is to be seen. Mumbling gratefully for that, you make your way to the kitchen where he is busily preparing something. Wrapping your arms around his waist and standing on your toes to look over his shoulder, you ask him: 'What are you making?'

Namjoon gives you a peck on the cheek. 'Since you did not send a clear reply, it will be a surprise.'

You curse yourself for indeed not sending a proper reply. Who knows what he will serve you now?

Curiously, you keep an eye on him during the whole process. He seems to be sure of what he is doing. The last time he attempted to cook, you had to help him so much that one could practically say it was still you and not him who was cooking.

Some time later he comes walking out of the kitchen with a brilliant smile, obviously proud of what he has created. 'Need help setting the table?' you ask as you rise from the couch. In case anything exploded you had chosen the sofa as a barrier against flying, maybe edible, food.

'No need, babe. Just let me handle everything for once,' he answers as he gestures for you to sit back down. Somewhat uneasy you heed the unspoken command.

As soon as you turn your head to catch a glimpse of what he is doing, he stops in his tracks. 'Don't look.'

Scoffing, you turn away. He sure is taking this seriously. One can call it some kind of progress nothing smells burned.

The room is filled with the sounds of clanking plates and dishes being put down. A warm and slightly spicy scent hangs in the air. It smells delicious.

His hands suddenly take your vision away. 'Ready for the big surprise?'

You nod and let him guide you to the table. He removes his hands, bringing back the light in the world.

'Tada!' His voice is happy and proud. From the corner of your eye you see him trying to evaluate your reaction.

Before you stands a perfectly set table with two steaming bowls of bibimbap that look seriously good.

'Namjoon... how did you-' you are unable to make a full sentence. He has improved so much.

When you met him and ate at his place for the first time, you had rice and seaweed soup, because he could not make anything else. Quite a contrast to what he served you now.

'By watching a lot of tutorials and asking Jin for some advice,' he admits, his smile not faltering. 'Go ahead, have a taste.'

You sit down and eat a bit of the dish. It tastes even better than it looks, which leaves you even more speechless. 'Do you- do you like it?' His eyes have a concerned look to them.

'Do I like it? I love it,' you reassure him. 'I am still amazed you were able to do this, since you could barely cut an onion last time.'

He chuckles and takes a seat as well. 'That's good to hear.'

Namjoon will never fail to surprise you. That guy makes amazing progress. Certainly in the way you love him, because with each day passing by, your love for him advances as well. Forever on-going progress.   

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