Chapter 22

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Steve never stopped though, he kept trying to hit his head on something, whether it was the stall door, his fists or the wall. He wanted the screaming to stop, he wanted the blood to go away. But they wouldn't.
Bucky pulled him to a gurney some doctors had brought to him and tried to lay him down, but he resisted and pushed a few doctors over, hitting Bucky once across the face too.
More doctors ran over, this time, with injections to sedate him. One in the shoulder sent him unconscious and into buckys arms before hitting the ground.
The doctors took over from there. Moving him onto the bed and strapping him to it by the wrists and ankles.
He didn't quite understand what the doctors were saying other than "page psych."
They took him away, leaving Bucky in front of the doorway. He went back to the waiting room, where Natasha, Bruce and Rhodes was talking to a surgeon. Bucky got there in time to hear that the surgeon with the heart was on their way and it was only a matter of hours now. Though, tonys condition was worsening.
Once he left, Natasha asked Bucky what happened. "They're taking him to psych. He's not a psychopath." He realized Rhodes and Bruce were listening in on him too, but they actually seemed sympathetic.
"What happened?" Bruce finally asked, but Bucky didn't answer him. "Look, last time we met... wasn't too great, and we misunderstood the situation. For that, we're sorry. We understand steve wouldn't do that and didn't." Rhodes started. "But both of our friends are here, and I'm pretty damn sure the last thing we need is to have a fight." Rhodes stuck out his left hand for him to shake. Bucky just watched him for a second before sticking out his right one. Rhodes frowned but noticed he had a prosthetic for the first time and shook his with his right hand.
"I'm sorry too." Bucky said quietly.
They all sat down next to each other in silence before Bruce spoke up. "Do you know what happened... exactly?"
Bucky shrugged. "All I know is that some asshole choked tony while they were at the supermarket, and with his heart, everything was just bad. And steve... had a really severe panic attack."
"They were at the supermarket together?"
"Yeah." Bucky looked over to them.
"Why wet they at the supermarket together?"
"Because they're together." Natasha said, no brainer. They seemed surprised. "You didn't know?"
Rhodes shook his head "tony hasn't been talking tonys lately."
"Well, I mean, he is, just not really."
"Why?" Bucky asked.
Rhodes looked away then back at him. "Because we got steve arrested." He said quietly.
"Oh ok." Bucky leaned back in his chair.
A half hour later, a doctor walked out, not tonys. They all stood up and walked over to her. "How is he?" Bucky blurted.
"Mr. Rogers has been sedated for the time being and is in our psych ward. I feel it'd be good if you were there when he wakes up." She motioned to Bucky.
"Yeah yeah, but can Natasha come?"
"I'm afraid it's best for the least amount of people to arrive at once. Maybe in an hour or two?"
He looked at Natasha, who nodded. "Go. He's your friend, he needs you right now."
"You're his friend too." He said and placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled slightly and watched as he walked away with the doctor.
Rhodes and Bruce wanted to ask what his mental state was, but seeing that they were still awkward, they decided to stay quiet about the subject.
The ward was weird. No monitors. Small, closed off rooms. Not a lot of doctors.
They walked into steves room and Bucky saw the IV that dripped a clear fluid into his arm, that was strapped to the bed just as the other one was and both of his legs.
His hands completely covered in bandages from his elbow all the way to his finger tips. The bandage on his forehead where he'd been hitting his head and bruising around made Bucky feel a bit sick to the stomach, but not as bad as steve must've felt. "Why didn't you call me first?"
He woke up a few minutes later, squinting against the light that shone almost directly above him and groaning.
Bucky leaned forward on his chair and waited for steve to notice him instead of announcing his presence.
He turned his head to the other side and frowned, letting another groan out as he tried to bring his hand up to feel his head that was pounding, but stopping as he tugged on the restraints. Now his eyes opened all the way and he looked down at his hands. Completely bandaged and tied to the sides of the bed, and his ankles.
He saw a figure sitting beside him in the corner of his eye and faced him. Bucky.
He smiled shyly and but his face went back to being glum. "Wh-where's tony?" Was the first thing steve said.
Bucky sighed. "Last I heard he was still in surgery. The heart is on its way and it shouldn't be much longer." Bucky still didn't smile.
"Wh-why am I-?" He pulled on the restraints again.
"Steve, you had a really bad panic attack. Worst I've ever seen."
Steve looked around the room and noticed the emptiness and the bland walls. "What did I do?"
"I found you in the washroom... banging your head on the stall door and telling something to shut up." He stopped for a second. "What's going on, steve?"
He looked away and back at him. "Nothing. I'm fine."
"I'm fine."
"No you're-"
"I said, I'm fine!"
It was quiet between them for a few minutes and Bucky awkwardly looked around the room. "You're not fine, and you know it. You just don't want to admit it."
Steve sighed of frustration and leaned his head back ok the pillow. "You know you can talk to me about it."
Steve eyes filled with tears but he forced them away and put his serious face back on quickly. "How long until tonys out of surgery?"
Bucky rubbed his face with his hands and leaned back on his chair, crossing his arms. "A few hours." He sighed, again. "Gives you some time to talk to me."

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