Chapter 29

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Steve smiled and so did tony, but steves faded when he realized he didn't have a good plan on how to conduct this without getting in trouble for stealing classified information. "They can't find out we took all this." Tony nodded and started piling the papers back up. "But we need to get this to the officers attention so we can stop this."
Tony smiled and put the file down so he could hug steve. "Thank you." He whispered. Steve didn't have anything to say back so he just embraced him into a tighter hug and stayed like that for a good minute or two. "Okay, but before we get started, let's just sleep." Steve suggested. It seemed as though tony were to say no, but he was right. Some sleep would do them some good.
They got ready for bed and climbed in together, leaving the file on the nightstand.
Tony couldn't sleep for a while, his mind was too wrapped around making a plan. Steve caught him trying to get out of bed and open the file. "Go. To. Sleep." He mumbled, eyes still closed, and he pulled tony to his chest. "We'll look at it some more tomorrow." Tony didn't say anything, just consented and somehow fell asleep with his rivers of thought still flowing at a steady pace.
Tony was up at 5:30am. 5:30am to work on it, he didn't bother waking steve up, but he did on his own around 8:00.
He saw tony at the small table, writing stuff down and throwing paper out. "When did you wake up?" He asked, exhausted and still tired.
He jumped at his question though and turned around. "Uhm, what did you say?"
"When did you get up?" Steve repeated.
"Oh, uh," he looked at the time. "Around 5:30?"
"I barely got any sleep, I could barely sleep."
Steve sighed and sat up. Tony was really big on this, he really cared about that baby.
He found it both cute and made him one of the happiest people, but also worried because he was already sleeping a lot less and stealing stuff that he shouldn't be stealing that can land him in prison if he was caught. But that's why steve had to help, he couldn't let tony go to prison for what's right, and he was, right that is. "Anything?" He grumbled and rubbed his eyes.
Tony growled. "No logical plans." He sighed. "Yet." He added and went back to planning. "Tony, maybe we should get a lawyer or-"
"Yes!" He shouted and turned around. "Why didn't I think of that? Someone we can trust though."
"Natasha might know someone."
"Great. Call them. Tell them we're coming."
"Right n-"
Steve sighed and grabbed his phone. -
It was around 9:30 now. Steve forced tony to get some breakfast before leaving and they had to wait for a cab.
But when they got there, tony almost charged into the apartment, pushing past Bucky. "Do you know any good lawyers?" He blurted to Natasha. "Uh, that's why you came so early?" She frowned and sat down. "Yes. So-" tony was speaking really fast and seemed like he was in a rush. "Tony, slow down. What happened?" She said and they all sat down around the dinner table.
He tapped his fingers on the table and steve kept the file in his coat. "Last night, I found a baby boy in an alley," both Natasha and Nicky's eyes grew wide. "He was abandoned by his mom, a teenager really. And they're taking him back!"
"Tony." Steve said. "The girls parents and the father of the child is taking him back."
Natasha seemed a bit confused. "Ok, so why do you guys-"
"Because he deserves to be loved." Tony said and his eyebrows creased. "And his so called family can't give that to him."
"How do you know that?" Bucky asked.
Tony looked at steve as he pulled the file out of his jacket and started to slide it across the table, but Natasha stopped him.
She obviously saw the bold "CLASSIFIED" stamped in red on the folder. "Where did you get this?" She asked, or more like demanded. They didn't answer, just stayed quiet as if they were scared to answer cause they know they're in trouble, which they can be. "You guys can get in so much trouble if anyone finds this." She warned. "I am aware." Tony somehow said.
She sighed. "We're not opening that file, were not talking about what's in the file." She got a piece of paper and a pen. "You're calling Matt Murdoch." She started writing something down. "Best lawyer I've ever met." She slid the small paper across the table and set the pen down.
Steve took the file back and Bucky watched him cautiously. He didn't normally do anything like this, but Bucky kinda knew steve was one to have a family one day. And he's a fighter. So he was going to fight for this kid as much as he can.
Bucky smiled though. "You want to adopt him, don't you?"
They both smiled, and tony answered. "Yeah." He smiled as he went over the short memories he had with the baby boy.
The big dark brown eyes, the small amour of dark brown hair, the way his eyes flowed with happiness when he was playing....
Natasha even smiled.
But they had to go. They had to go find this Matt Murdoch guy and get him to help them with their not-yet-case.
They left in quite a hurry too. Straight to the car tony left in the parking garage for accusions like these (they like walking around, so they don't usually drive anywhere). The lawyer was in New York City though, so it took them about a half hot to get there, and they were certainly shocked when they arrived.
The tiny office, squished between two other establishments, barely furnished with a few desks, an old telephone and a sign on the door, "Nelson and Murdoch".
They sat on the two chairs in the small, well, I guess lobby, and waited.
A skinny woman entered the so called lobby and stood there, shocked for a moment. And she just stood there, and stood there. "Uh, hi." Steve said and waved his hand slightly.
She seemed to have snapped out of it. "Oh, I'm so sorry for staring, we just" sigh "don't get many clients." "Well, we heard Matt Murdoch is one of the best." She smiled. "Is he around?" Tony asked.
"Uhhh, not yet." She frowned when she looked at the time. "He should be here by now..."
The door opened behind them and a tall man with dark brown hair and bruises all over his face walked in. They both immediately noticed he was blind, to tell by the glasses, walking stick and indirect eye contact. "Hello." He said, and grunted a bit. They heard he woman gasp a bit and now seemed worried for the blind man as he made his way in front of them and stuck out a hand. "Hi." Steve said, surprised the blind man knew exactly where they were. He shook his hand and he moved his arm to shake tonys next. "Matt Murdoch." He introduced himself. "Steve Rogers. And this is tony stark."
He tilted his head. "Stark... as in stark industries?"
Tony nodded a bit and looked at his feet. "Yeah, well no. That was my father. He's..."
"I heard, im sorry." Tony nodded again and locked his lips. "So, what do you gentlemen need?"
"A lawyer." Steve said. "A really good one." Tony added. "Well you came to the right place." Matt said and smiled.

 Life in Brooklynजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें