Chapter 30

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He led them into a room. "What's the case?"
The both sighed and seemed quite nervous, of course, Matt could tell. "Nervous?"
"A bit." Steve sighed and pulled out the file. Matt couldn't see the big "CLASSIFIED" but Karen could. Her jaw dropped as she pulled it towards herself. "A few nights ago, I found a baby, abandoned, in an alley." Tony started. "The parents' parents want to take him back."
"Shouldn't they be able to?" Matt asked, and Karen nudged his arm. "This file says that the father and the mothers' parents are both abusive and highly irresponsible." "They can't take him back? Can they?" Tonys asked, worried.
Karen rummaged through the file some more until another man barged into the office and shouted. "Matt! Karen! I bought donuts!" He started walking towards the room, not knowing they had clients. "And I was wondering if you guys wanted to- oh, who's this?" He asked as he stepped on the small room.
Longer blonde hair, chubby, but seemed quite intelligent. "Foggy, we have clients." Matt told him, and foggy immediately put the donuts down in his own office and ran back to introduce himself properly. "Foggy Nelson."
"Tony stark." Tony introduced himself. "And this is steve Rogers" foggy smiled and shook boy if their hands. "We'll all look into this further, is there a way we can contact you if anything ever comes up?" Matt asked. "Yeah, uh," steve pulled out a pen and paper and wrote their home number down. "Here's our phone number." Karen took the piece of paper and stood up with like everyone else to say 'goodbye'. Once they left, the three co-workers stood in front of the door, shocked and pleased by the fact they had clients now.
They got back to the apartment later that day and were greeted by Bucky and Natasha. She looked a bit uneasy and nervous and so did Bucky. "How'd it go?" Bucky asked. "I think so." Steve nodded. "You... think so...?" Natasha asked, confused. "What do you mean?"
Tony sighed. "We only gave them all the information they need, or, close to it, and they said they're gonna go over all of it."
She nodded. "You guys do realize how serious this is, and how long and all the work this is gonna take, right?" They both nodded. "So you're sure you wanna do this?"
"I'm sure." Tony answered quickly, steve answered seconds after. "Ok, and we're still here if you need anything." Bucky said.
Steve smiled and they both walked back into their apartment.
Natasha wasn't wrong. It did take a long time, a lot of interviews, and more enemies apparently. The boys biological family, and they didn't seem nice to begin with.
They'd see them at the police station, they'd shoot looks, and they'd try to ignore them, but man, they were pushy and mean. Oh, can't forget violent either.
That's when Matt and foggy was at the station with them and the boys father got pissed and punched foggy, who was trying to settle him down after punching Matt. "That's not going to help them with this." Matt said, wiping away the small amount of blood in the corner of his mouth.
Court day came too. A lot of people were there. Thor, Bruce, Rhodes, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, more friends and people they knew.
There was also a whole bunch of well-dressed, rude snobs on the other side. Snobs, for sure. Every chance they got, dirty looks were shot at them and those around them.
Then doors opened and the judge walked in. "All rise!"
They took a deep breath and did as they were told, stood up. Tony quickly glanced behind him to look at Bruce and Rhodes. They nodded and he turned back around.
The judge said a few words and soon asked Matt to get started. His speech was solid, very convincing.
Then was the others lawyers turn. He mostly talked about how they were the biological family and that they had the right to raise their own child. He wasn't wrong, they did have that right, but the kid also had the right to be raised properly and with care. An abusive, drug crazed so-called family didn't seem right, or fair.
They took a quick recess. Matt and foggy talked to them a bit while Bucky, Natasha, Bruce and Rhodes stood nearby, waiting to be able to talk to them.
Matt and foggy went to go talk alone and the rest walked up to steve and tony. "How are you guys doing?" Rhodes asked. "Nervous as hell." Tony said and sighed.
"I can see why, those people are terrifying." Bruce said as a hoard of them walked by and shot them glances, again. They all watched them walk by. "I wouldn't be able to understand this if you guys didn't win this." He finished. "Thanks man." Tony said. Steve rubbed his eye a bit and held back a yawn. They both haven't been getting much sleep for the past few weeks. Stress, stress and more stress. "Coffee?" Bucky suggested. "Oooh that's sounds amazing." Steve said and everyone agreed.
"You seem to know much about my clients, I wonder how you came to know so much about their past." The others' lawyer started and tony tensed up. "A file, a confidential file, went missing the day the baby was found around the time mr. Stark left. Theory, he stole it." And shrugged. "Objection!" Foggy shouted. "Overruled. Continue."
"You did steal it, didn't you?" Tony didn't answer, he looked at steve who moved in his seat and looked away. He didn't even know what to say. "Mr. stark." The judge said.
He had to tell them. Besides, it didn't change what they did. He cleared his throat. "Y-yes." Whispers were heard in the crowd and the judge silenced them. "That's all. Thank you, your honour."
Tony sat back down at the table and Matt stood up to speak to the jury. "Even if he stole the file, it doesn't change the fact that the parents and the grandparents are abusive and drug addicts." "Objection!"
Matt swatted him down and so did the judge. "If anything, it's a good thing he did. Because, the little boy, would grow up around them, be bullied, and probably end up with the same habits or with depression. Either way, he wouldn't be living the life everyone deserves a chance to live. If you give these parents custody of the child, he won't get that chance." He stood in front of them for a minute, then finished up. "That's all, thank you."

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