Chapter 27

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So, the next week their floor was being re-done, and it was a total mess, by mess I mean, it looks like a tornado tore through the place. They couldn't even get to their bed.
They came back from work and the workers who've been working on it had left for the night and with a big mess at the apartment. They kind of just stood in the doorway for a few minutes in silence as they scanned the mess of a living room. "Maybe... we should stay.... at your house...?" Steve said in shock.
He hummed, and turned to him. "I-I sold it a few months ago..."
Steve nodded. "Oh..?"
"No point to having the mansion if I'm not going to use it."
"Oh ok."
Silence fore another few minutes. "So... Where are we...?"
A door behind them opened. "Oh, wow." Bucky said in shock when he saw the state of their apartment. "Wow." He repeated. "Yeah." They sighed.
"Are you guys going in or...?"
"We need to find a place to stay." Tony whispered to steve, who nodded in return. "We do."
"You should probably do that." Bucky said quietly. "Yeah." They sighed in sync. "I'll find a hotel." Tony said and started walking away with steve, and closed the door.
They walked down the side way in the dark. "How long is it gonna take for them to finish?" Tony asked.
"I think they said only a few days." steve replied.
The closest hotel was 10 blocks away and there was a huge family. Parents, teenagers, toddlers, a baby. And they were loud. The baby was howling, the two toddlers that looked like twins were crying and pulling on their mothers shirt, the teenagers shouting at the kids to shut up. The dad looked annoyed and so did all of the staff working at the counter.
The family went on their way to their room and steve and tony finally got to booking it. Tony did the talking and steve stood beside him, waiting, when he noticed the teddy bear at his feet. Must be one of the kids'. He picked it up and felt how soft it was for a few seconds. "I think they must've dropped it."
The woman at the front desk looked up. "Oh, well I can hold onto it until I can get the chance to give it back." She smiled and reached out her hand.
He hesitated to hand it over because it was so soft, or maybe, he wanted one for himself. Well, not himself, but for a child.
He handed it over and in return they were given their key cards. "Lets go," tony said. "Room 327."
Steve followed him to the elevator and down the hallway until they got to their room.
Tony jumped on the bed and immediately turned on the tv while steve went to the washroom quickly.
When he came out, he sat down next to tony who seemed to be enjoying the movie playing on the very big screen tv and the quality of the room.
He flipped an arm over his shoulder and he leaned against him. "Tony?" Steve asked. "Yeah?"
He hesitated, contemplated his question. "Never mind." He shook his head and looked at the tv again.
Tony looked at him though. "What is it?"
Steve shrugged and sighed. "Would you... would you ever consider having kids?"
Tonys eyebrows raised and he shook his head slightly as he thought about it. "I've never thought about it..." he sighed. "But no."
Steve raised his eyebrows at his answer, "Wait... no?"
"The kid would probably hate me. I don't know how to be a good parent and my dad surely did an amazing job at being one too."
"You're not like him though."
"In some ways, yeah, I am. Like this way. I'd be a terrible father."
"You don't know that-"
"Yes I do," he said firmly and leaned on the headboard of the bed instead of steve and turned the volume down. "Wait.... do you want kids?"
Steve nodded his head. "Well, yes. Why wouldn't I?"
Tony frowned, "I didn't think you would." He said a bit quieter. "What? Because I served and saw plenty of them die?"
"Why are we even talking about this?" Tony blurted out. "Because this relationship is serious, and in the future-!"
"I don't want kids! For their own sake!" Tony shouted and steve backed away a bit before climbing off the bed and heading for the door. "Where are you going? We aren't finished-"
"I think we are." Steve mumbled and left.
Tony sat back and sighed as he shook his head and brought his hands up to his face.
He looked to the tv, and saw that an old movie was playing now and a man was running after a woman, eventually caught up to her, had super cheesy lines and kissed. "You've got to be fucking kidding me..." he growled and ran out the door after steve.
Not in the hallways, not in the elevator, not in the lobby, not anywhere to be seen on the sidewalks. So he walked around, he didn't know he was heading in the opposite direction than steve, but how would he?
He noticed it got a little chillier and he got more uncomfortable, like someone was watching him, though nobody really was.
Then he heard a quiet and choked cry like it was from a baby and he looked around.
He saw a teenage girl, he guessed and he didn't get a very good look at her face, wearing a long coat and setting something down in an alley. "Hey!" Tony shouted but she ran.
The cry grew louder, and tony was drawn to it. A small little baby, wrapped in a worn down blanket was left there. "What the hell...?" He picked him (he guessed and was right) he turned around and saw that the girl was totally out of sight. "Who would leave a baby out here? What a sick bastard would leave a baby outside, alone, and in he cold?" He thought.
He held the little boy close to his chest and looked around for any sign of anyone but no one was to be seen.
He fumbled one hand awkwardly while still trying to hold the baby close, for his phone. Only for him to realize he didn't have it. "Dam- crap." He growled.
He looked down to the boy, and stared into his damp face from all the tears. His brown eyes and chubby cheeks. "You're so cute," he sighed and tucked the blanket tighter around him. "Why would anyone do this to you?" He only continued to wail until tony let him play with his finger. He tugged on it and bit it and pulled on it and squeezed it as he walked back to the hotel to get a hold of the police.
Steve had eventually got back and only a minute before tony did. At first, rage and disappointment boiled within him, but when he saw the newborn held tightly in his arms, he awed. How could he not? Tony was smiling at the baby when he looked up to the woman at the counter and told her to call the police with more information.
Then he saw steve, walking slowly towards him. "Someone abandoned him." Steve smiled slightly. "There was a girl, she seemed to be about 20, but she ran after leaving him in an alley."
Steve untucked the blanket a bit to reveal most of the chubby face and almost cried at how adorable he was. Tony held him out a bit and steve gladly took the sleeping baby in his arms.
More people had gathered around them and awed when they all saw the tiny human. It was horrible that he had been abandoned, but too cute to be enraged by it.
Then he started to wail, again. Steve tried shushing him, but he continued so tony took him back and rocked him in his arms and smiled at him a lot, babied him.

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