Part Mf 5

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I tapped my fingers against the counter and checked the clock in the top right corner of the wall. Five minutes. I couldn't wait to leave. My back was still in pain and my feet were aching from standing here for so long.

I couldn't take my mind off of her. I won't be stubborn about it because it's true. I felt bad. I felt guilty. Whenever I felt guilty, I wouldn't stop until I fixed what ever it is that I fucked up. But I didn't know how to begin.

How do you make things right with Lauren Jauregui? Most wouldn't know because not many have tried by the looks of it. No one would really get close enough to her to really attempt anything whether it be to get on her good side or to stand up to her. I never really saw her with anyone but her two friends or with some random girl she was flirting with. Yet she came to me. But why. I don't see anything special about myself. I literally wore a hoodie with jeans and sneakers to school while almost every girl I saw wore something much more eye satisfying like a dress with heals or something like that. So why me. Why did Lauren Jauregui put the effort with me when she could have any other girl. Someone much more valuable. And the thing that confuses me the most was that in the limited moments that we talked, she did less flirting than anyone would expect from her. She talked to me about other things, not just about my appearance. Or what she would want to do with me. She smiled. She laughed. Yes she smirked a lot but still.

So how do I start. When Ally and I get into arguments, which is very rare, I usually apologize and she forgives me instantly and we go back to being our normal selves. Or with my parents, I usually just do some chores and they forgive me with whatever stupid thing I did. I can't just do some simple sappy apology. Or her chores. Fuck why is this so difficult. Maybe a gift card?

My shift was finally over thank god. I removed the apron and hung it on the rack and made my way outside. It was seven thirty and the sun was currently setting. Beautiful. I got on my bike but instantly felt the pain in my back. Well the pain in my feet weren't as bad as the pain in my back so I'll just walk.

It was a twenty-five minute walk and daylight had ran out. I was about ten minutes into the walk. The sky was now a dark purple and the street lamps were now on. This street wasn't very busy around this time.


Aw, a cat. It's eyes glowed from the dark alley. It slowly walked towards me and onto the light. I saw it clearly, now. It was an all black cat. And no, I don't care that it's black, I'm not racist. It quickly crossed the street and was out of sight. No come back. I swear I'm not like that crazy old lady from Spongebob who kidnapped Gary.

   I was still looking in the direction of  the cat when I heard laughter. It wasn't nice, adorable, sweet laughter. It was more of a nasty, rough kind of laughter that sounded like it belonged to someone who smoked two packs a day.

  I turned around and froze when I saw two figures standing a few feet away in the alley. The lack of light in their direction made it impossible to see their faces.

"Hey baby" one of them said. Probably the one who wad laughing.

   My brain told me to get the hell out of there but my body wouldn't listen. I just stood there frozen in fear.

"You look a little frightened. Don't worry I don't bite. Unless you want me to of course heheh."

   I gulped so loud I wonder if they could hear. One figure started to walk closer. I could barely see his face. He wore a hoodie over his head and sunglasses. There was no reason to since it's clearly night time.

   He smirked.

"What do you say you and me have some fun tonight? Just the two of us."

God why is this happening to me.

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