Part Mf 31

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HEY I'M MF BACK. P.s. you're gonna hate my ass after this chapter but trust me it gets better.


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The car door opened and I stepped out, immediately checking my surroundings. Boss figured it would be better if he had someone drive me here and I agreed since driving a motorcycle with one functioning arm was a bit much. I took in the huge mansion in front of me.


  The big ass security driver ugly guy grabbed me by my arm and led me inside, firstly by putting in a code to open the front door.

As the doors opened, I admired the beautiful house in front of me before getting lead into what appeared to be Boss's office.

"Lauren, my best employee! Great to see you, take a seat." He said grinning and motioning with his hand for me to come closer.

"Afternoon Boss." I said while sitting down on one of his high quality chairs facing his desk

"Want anything to drink? Some vodka? Henny?"

"No sir I don't drink, it's all good." I said waving his offer off with my hand.

"Suit yourself." He said before pouring himself a glass of scotch.

  I looked around his office and it was basically just like Veronica's dad from riverdale with the ugly voice's office but bigger. A picture or what seemed like a large painting of Ivanna hanging behind his seat. Does this man watch the show or something because what the hell.

"I wanted to talk to you about my daughter." He says before taking a sip of the alcohol. "She really likes you Lauren." He said bluntly

I raised my eyebrows a bit confused. (because lauren is known for being real mf slow in fics smdh)

"I like her too, she seems like a great friend."

"No, I mean she likes you. You're all she's talked about since her first day. I just want you to get one thing straight, my daughter means everything to me. If she wants something, it's hers. You get me?"

"Sir if you're implying I be with her then I'm sorry but I have a girlfriend." I said feeling his eyes on me.

He began laughing and took another sip of his beverage.

"I don't think you're getting what I'm trying to say Jauregui. If she were to tell me straight up that she wants to be with you then that's what's going to happen. Her happiness is my happiness. And I'm sure you've heard how I get when I'm unhappy."

I swallowed hard and nodded.

   I'm so fucked. This is exactly what I was afraid of. I shouldn't be surprised but now that I'm actually hearing the words come out of his mouth I've never been more fucking scared. If I say no to being with his damn daughter he'll start fucking with the people I care about.

"I understand." I said with a voice that disguised the frustration, anger, and fear that I felt.

He smiled and dismissed me while telling me where Ivanna's room was located.


I knocked on the door which was slightly open and got no answer. After knocking a few more times I decided on pushing the door open. I looked around the big ass room that could fit like 3 of mine inside and spotted Ivanna laying on her stomach with headphones on scrolling through something on her phone. She was wearing a tank top with bootyshorts on. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before walking towards her and sitting on the other side of her bed. She looked up and smiled while taking her headphones off.

"Lauren! Oh my god you scared me." She said before giving me a hug which resulted in her climbing onto my lap.

"Hey." I said giving her a small smile while barely hugging her back.

"So what do you want to do?" She said thankfully getting off of me.

"I suck at choosing, did you have anything in mind?" I said while taking off my leather jacket and tossing it aside.

"I uh-" she began but trailed off. I looked up to see what she was looking at that may have distracted her and followed her gaze landing on my arms.

"Wow you have so many tattoos." She said tracing one on my forearm.

"Sure do." I said before taking a deep breath and trying to ignore her actions. I pulled my phone out if my pocket and checked the time.

"She's pretty." Ivanna said referring to the picture of Camila I had as my lockscreen.

"Sure is." I smiled.

"Am I?" She asked catching me off guard.

"Yes." I responded, it wasn't a lie.

"Am I prettier than her?"

"What?" I said sitting up.

"Be honest with me, what do I have to do for you to be with me?"

I sat sitting up straight. "What are you talking about Ivanna?" I asked confused at her sudden questions.

"I really like you Lauren and I want you to be mine so tell me what I could do to make that happen."

"Look Ivanna, you're cool and all, but I love Camila and that isn't going to change." I said and saw her face tense up.

"Seriously Lauren, how fucking blind can you be? Look at her, and then look at me. She looks like a homeless little twelve year old. Not to mention the fact that she looks like she weighs two pounds. You know I'm more attractive in every way. I want you to leave her." She said and crossed her arms.

"Don't ever speak about her like that. Ever. I thought you were nice and shit in the beginning but turns out you're just a crazy bitch who thinks she can get whatever she wants because her dad is rich."  I scoffed and got off of her bed.

She stared at me with a tear-filled death glare and I stared back. I got my jacket and put it on. As I began walking away I heard her laughing and that was when I knew I had just fucked up.

As soon as I made it home I dialed Camila.

Come on pick up Camz.

"Lauren? I'm working" She said, voice in a low whisper.

"Babe I fucked up."


"Ivanna pulled the crazy bitch card on me and I made her cry so I'm not sure what to expect and I'm fucking terrified. Please stay safe okay. I love you." I said before hanging up.


It's been months and I'm sorryyyyyyy. But anyways I've reached 100k reads and I'm so happy :). I'll try to update more and hopefully I pull through with it.

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