Part Mf 7

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What do you wear on a first date? I had absolutely no freakin idea. Should I wear something fancy or casual? Lauren didn't exactly tell me where she was taking me, no matter how much I bugged her today at school. She wanted to make it some sort of surprise, which isn't surprising because she always seems to be full of surprises. I sound like Kendall telling Kylie that she should experience things because she always says she wants to experience things but if she really wanted to experience things then she would experience them. I'm so sorry.

   I reached for my phone that was on my nightstand and decided to text Lauren to have at least some sort of idea of what to wear.



Where are we goingggg

Not telling youuuuuu

Why notttttttt

I already told you why like five hundred million timessss


You're cuteeeeee

I won't accept your compliments until you tell me where we're goingggg

Ok but that won't stop me from saying them babeeee

At least tell me how I should dress. Fancy or casual?

You'll look beautiful in anything love

Well what if I wear a dress and you end up taking me to a dirt bike track or a farm

😂 baaabe we won't do any of that I swear

😑 Well I wouldn't know would I "babe"

You're cute


But if you really want to know then just wear something casual, although I would love to see you in a dress someday 😍 I'd drop dead

Aw Lauren, when I do I'll take a selfie and not send it to you

Why ☹️

To see what you'd be willing to do just to see it 😉

Babe, I would find a way to bring you the moon just to be able to see the pic. Seeing it would kill me. Seeing it in person would take me to heaven and have me talking to an angel. Meaning you of course.

Oh my

I'm good aren't I


Heheh, why thank you

Well I have to start getting ready, I'll text you when I'm done Lolo

I thought we talked about this whole "Lolo" thing Camz 😑

We did

So no more okay

Oh there's plenty more, I even put it in as your contact name




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