Part Mf 9

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It was dark and cold. Which was strange because Miami isn't ever cold. I looked up and saw a full moon. I instantly thought of Lauren.

Lauren. Where was she? She said she'd be here fifteen minutes ago. I was at a local park bench at 12 in the morning exact. There was no one here but the moon, the cars, the chilly air, and myself. My only friends at the moment. Like that episode of Spongebob where he wouldn't leave his house and his only friends were a penny, napkin, and a chip.


I took my phone out of my pocket to check the time; 12:30 a.m.
I sent Lauren the 5th message of the night.

"I'm leaving."

I got up and put my hoodie over my head. I walked across the park grass and to the sidewalk. I sighed. Where was she? What was she doing? I continued walking when I heard really loud sirens. I was a bit used to it since it is Miami after all. I looked up and saw someone sprinting my direction and behind them were the cop cars. Three of them. It was a woman who was running. I squinted to try and make a face of who it was but they were too far away. Once she was close enough, my heart stopped.


I froze.


She kept sprinting towards me, her face was full of fear. I tried to catch her eye but she wouldn't look at me.

The rest happened in a matter of seconds. I covered my eyes as a reflex to the gunshot. No. I was scared to remove my hands. No. No. I felt something grab my shoe and I forced myself to look down. No. This can't be real. I knelt down and there she was. A puddle of blood surrounding her almost lifeless body. I felt like I couldn't breathe. She tried reaching for my hand and I quickly intertwined our fingers. My other hand was covering her wound as if it would stop it from bleeding. I couldn't look her in the face. I just couldn't. But I had to.

"Camila." She said weakly.

"I'm here Lauren." I said as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I love you."

"Don't say that. Please don't say that. Because saying that, right now, is like saying goodbye. I hate goodbyes. So please don't say that Lauren." I cried. "P-please don't say goodbye. Stay with me."

She squeezed my hand and closed her eyes.

"No Lauren don't close your eyes. Lauren! Stop! Open them! Please!"

Her grip loosened.

"Lauren? I know you're still there. You'll wake up and everything will be alright." I sobbed


I woke up out of breath. It felt like I couldn't breathe. There was air all around but it felt like it couldn't seem to fill my lungs. Even the window was open midway. I couldn't tell if the liquid on my face was sweat or tears. Maybe both. I took long deep breaths knowing it would calm me down. I haven't had any panic attacks since middle school but I was very familiar on how to handle them by now.

I was still a bit shaky so I called Lauren to make sure she was alright.

"Hello" she said with a raspy voice.

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