Introduction Of Newt

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Oh! Hello there! My name's Newt, full name is Newton Scamander. Friends with Queenie, Tina and Jacob, met them in New York 2 years ago. I'm willing to go back again, but in the same time, why do I feel like evil is coming? Oh well.
My Hogwarts house? Hufflepuff! It's a pleasant to go there, it's fun. Even if I don't have anyone to talk to there. Or did I? Forgot.

I save animals around the country and put them to different biomes in my suitcase, I'm not crazy. My suitcase is the creatures and my home. It's hard to save them sometimes, especially one of them. *coughs* Niffler *coughs* I need a potion for my coughing.
I love my fantastic Beasts. It's unbelievably Incredible.
It was horrible, my memory still flashing in my head. Jacob being Obliviated. Did he also remember that it erase bad memories? These memories I've given to him are good so he might remember. The bakery, I want to visit! I heard it's a great bakery in New York, the design of the creatures are wonderful.
Jacob? He saw inside my suitcase. The creatures, the biomes, everything wonderful about it. He was One of us, Me, Queenie and Tina, One of us. But a Muggle, or should I say No-maj.
In Hogwarts? I don't remember Some things, probably I got Obliviated. Please don't, Please Don't, please don't...
(A/N): Mister Scamander, do you remember something In Hogwarts?

Remember?! Uhm, probably a little...
Tell you?! K... I remember a girl, I forgot the name, but she was in Slytherin. I don't get why she was in Slytherin, she was nice. So nice to everyone, except for James Potter. I think she only does it because he bullied Severus Snape. Especially when James took Lily away from Severus.
I don't remember that much... Is that okay Author?
(A/N): Yes, it is okay. You can go.

OH! I almost forgot, I'm going to visit Jacob and I will! Even if he doesn't remember me!
Newt's Introduction, more like an interview though. Anyways, Chapter starts next page!
Just, uhm go there
Oh you're still here. Questioning why I'm in this Introduction, Okay I was curious about his past in Hogwarts.
Even if that means I know who he was talking about, but I want to keep the mystery in.
I'm an evil Author I got to say.

Q: Do you have a crush?
Ans from me(I'm a loner, answering my own question): Yes, I do.

Peace Out Angels!

Did I Forget Something? Newt Scamander X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now