Well Chapter, What To Call You?...

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Hello once again, Wattpadians! Looking good boy or girl, looking good... Anywho, I have another tip for you!


We often write a chapter, finish it, and then get stumped over what to call it. Here's a few basic examples:

#1: Chapter 1: Bob's Adventure!

#2: The Adventure Of Bob: Bob's Adventure!

#3: The Adventure of Bob: Chapter One

#4: Chapter One

These are quite common, though I wouldn't usually use the last one. I personally like to know what chapter I'm on, just so I can keep track, and I also like to see an interesting or funny chapter name, so I'd pick the first one.

You want a chapter name that gets someone's attention, and you also want them to know what chapter they're on, so they don't end up going in a jumbled up order, and then getting all confused because they read the chapters in the wrong order!

Good day, boy or girl, good day! I approve this message, brought to you by me!

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