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"Michael?" One of the nurses called my name from my doorway.

"It's Mike." I muttered into my pillow.

She huffed and I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes. "You need to get up and come to the rec room for circle time." And she left. I groaned and got out of bed to change and brush my teeth.

When I was finished I walked slowly to the rec room messing around with my band. I looked around and sat next to a boy with blue green eyes and black hair.

I looked at him then down to see what colored band he had, red wristband. Red means an eating disorder, which I learned over the years of being here.

"We have a new patient, everyone say hi to Kellin." one of the doctors said and pointed to the raven haired boy next to me. People murmured random greetings.

"Kellin, would you like to explain how you wounded up here."

"Does it look like I want to explain, let alone be here?" He snapped, damn we have a sassy one. I chuckled earning a glare from the orange haired doctor.

"Mike, hallway. Now." I shook my head and waited for her to continue with the group. You see, I've been here for three years, counting, so I basically seem like a lost cause to them.

"Uhm, alright well...Alex would you like to start todays discussion?" She said. Alex started talking about god knows what while I started zoning out.


I heard a knock on my bedroom door and hid the last of my heroin. I stumbled to my door and said "Who is it?"

"Vic, now open up Mike."

"Nu uh go away." I said holding my door knob.

"Mike let me in please. I know what you're doing its okay. I'm not gonna say anything to mom or dad." He said.

I slightly opened my door and seen it was only Vic. I opened my door fully and let him in. Vic walked in and looked me in the eyes.

I squinted my eyes and said "Do you see that?"

Vic turned around and said "No Mike. It's the heroin again messing with you giving you hallucinations."

"Oo okay." I said.

Vic sighed and said "Mike please promise you'll stop this. Where is the rest of your drugs?"

"No let me have the rest. Theres only a little left."

"Mike give me the rest now." He said in a demanding voice.

I frowned and got the rest of my precious heroin out from under my bed.

I slowly handed it over then quickly puled it back.

"Shhh its okay he wont hurt you." I said to the bag of heroin.

I looked up at Vic and he was shaking his head. He snatched the heroin from me.

"What're you gonna do with my baby?" I asked reaching out for the bag of heroin.

"Throwing it out. You need to stop this Mike. It's not good and look at what its doing to you. You're not gonna be able to do much with life if you keep this up. Please just promise you'll stop or at least try and stop."

I only took in half of what Vic said but I could tell he really wanted me to stop. I moved my hand away and said "I promise. I'm sorry Vic."

He hugged me and said "Thank you Mike."

-end of flashback-

I had one thing to do. One thing, and it was to keep that promise but I still broke it. I ended up here because of heroin. I ended up here for not listening. Good fucking job Mike. You haven't even seen Vic in so long.

There where visits. I only got visits from Vic and our parents for the first few weeks I was here. Then he stopped coming and it was just our parents coming to see me. I disappointed him. He didn't want to see me because I broke out promise.

He only came for the first few weeks because he didn't want to hurt me. But he did either way. I haven't seen or talked to him in so long. It's been a few weeks since I've had a visit from my parents. I don't care to see them because they're the ones who brought me here.

"Michael!" Someone shouted making me jump out of my seat.

"Circle time ended ten minutes ago. It's time for lunch." One of the bitchy doctors said to me. I nodded and made my way to the cafeteria.

I can't wait until I can get out of this place.

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