Unspoken Generation

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this is Cass, ( KellinsDevilHorns ) i also want to apologize for being delayed on this fic. We are all trying to get back on this bitch. so now read on fellow skeletons. c:



I don't know how the people here plan on fixing me. I don't want it to take forever. Forever is a long time and me sure as hell don't want to spend it in some white ass box. With being accused of something I'm sure I don't have. I just feel so trapped in here, I want to escape so bad back to reality.

Then escape dipshit

No, I can't because if they catch me I'll just be in here longer.

Then escape and make them kill you

That's an idea I've taken to mind, but it would never happen. They can't have guns in here because people like me might want to take them, just to take them to our head.

I keep staring at Mike who's sitting across from me wondering if I should say something. I call him multiple times and nothing comes out from him, he doesn't even move.

"Mike!" I yell and he snaps his head up. "I've been calling you for ages. Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." he says"What's up?" Sure he's just thinking. I don't think he would be that deep in his thought where he couldn't even hear a sliver of my voice.

  "Oh um.. I was wondering if you had any more of that medicine you gave me." I say.

  "Uh yeah...why?" he says looking at me in confusion.

  "Can I uh have one?" He looks at me like a child.  "Mike please?!"  I beg sounding like a child. Ok, I still act like one sometimes big deal. But this is rare.

  "No.," he says firmly and I make a pouty face. "We can both get in so much trouble. Plus, I don't want anything happening to you." He doesn't want anything to happen to me. So much for someone to actually care about me, in a mental hospital.

"My meds don't work..but yours do," I say quietly letting out a big breath just enough for him to hear me, though.

"How about you talk to Doctor Iero?" I shake my head really hard I can feel my brain rattle. There is no way I'm talking to that man. Never, ever.

"Okay. Fine. I'll talk to him." I smile to him with my heart booming in my chest. I get up and head out to the cafeteria to get some food in me. I mumble 'Thank You' under my breath to Mike as I walk out the door.


The cafeteria isn't that packed right now. I grab some food and sit with myself. I look around and my eyes fall on Vic, Mikes brother I think. He looks like he's being interrogated by one of the doctors. I can't remember his name because I suck at remembering names.

You suck at life

"FUCK YOU!!" I yell really loud and slam my hands down on the table making my food bounce a little. I instantly slam my hand over my mouth not realizing I said that out loud. Crap.

Everyone looks at me as I sink into the bench. I'm not hungry anymore. I get up and throw my food away still gaining looks from people.

I head over to my room and sit down on my bed, I start to hum the star wars theme music like the nerd I am.

ew, you sound terrible. someone should rip your throat out.

go get one of those crazy fucking kids that are here they might do it

"Tony guess what." I hear Mike says in front of me walking into the room. He scares me a little bit but I just brush it off.

"Hmm?" I say glancing at him. Looks like he ran here just to tell me something.

"Doctor Iero said he's thinking of changing your medicine!" He shouts. The first thing I think is 'is he shitting me?'. I look at him searching his eyes for the truth. He smirks.

"Really! Oh my god thank you, Mike." I get up really happily and run over to him and hug him. I wrap my arms around both his sides squeezing him against me. I can feel him stiffen under my touch. He quickly pulled away, weird.

"Michael, Antonio?" Some calls from the door.

"It's Mike"

"It's Tony," We say at the same time.

"Erm yeah sorry. It is group time." the nurse says weirdly. Mike and I look at each other and start laughing really bad. We get up and head down to the rec room. The helpers try to ask Alex if he would like to talk, of course, he says no. I don't think I would want to either

"You know, I know like nothing about you." He says. I don't think anyone here really knows me. they just think they know why I'm here.

"I'm not interested, though," I say bluntly. It's true there nothing that really stands out about me, I wouldn't consider myself interesting.

"Bullshit, tell me about yourself." Fine.

"Well, I'm sixteen but my birthday Is next week. I love turtles. My favorite color is green. And..I'm gay." Right, when I said gay he looked like something ticked in him. I don't know if it was bad or good.

"Oh, so you like guys?" Well, is he fucking stupid?

"I'm pretty sure that's what gay means Mikey," I say sassy, sticking out my tongue at him. He laughs a little bit making my stomach flip. Oh no.

"Alright chillax turtle. Just making sure." I put my hands up in defeat.

You're not like a homophobe right..?" I ask, because if he is I'm pretty sure I'm screwed.

"Well, it would be hypocritical of me if I didn't you think." He smiles and leaves the room.


My thoughts swim back to me so fast, I'd is drowning in my demons I wouldn't have time to swim away.

You worthless piece of shit.

Disgrace to everyone you fag

I hope you fucking burn in hell if the devil will let your ugly ass in.

I sit with about 11 pills in my hand. I stare and them while my vision gets blurred by tears. My mind rigs from when Mike called me cute. Cute, a crazy thing like me being called cute. It's probably just another sick mind game people are trying to pull on me.

I start to cry harder now. I put my hand over my mouth so it's muffled and nurses won't hear me and send me away. I stare at the tiny pills. They have probably done so much in people's life more than I ever could.

Shove them down your throat.

Show everyone how much of a pussy you are.

As I hang my jaw open and lift up my hand the door swings open. Mike. Great.


hope yall like it :)

ps: i got my fren to like ptv by making her listen to Floral & Fading, she also like falling in reverse now, this coming from the chick who sings kanye 24?7 thinking shes a thug but she aint.


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