Balcony Scene

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This chapter was written by Lily (satanlily666 ) fr tho hit her up she's great.

Vic's POV

I woke up with my head hanging off the bed with my legs sprawled across it. Well that was surprising. I must've had a nice, deep sleep. Wish I remembered what I dreamt about. I checked the calendar. 'Visiting Day' was written in huge, red letters. It's been a month since I've seen my parents and this time, Mike will be together with me. Gosh it'll be a dream come true. Not a perfect dream, but close enough.

I looked over at Kellin, who was curled up in a ball like a hamster. Oh my lawd I wish I could've wrapped my arms around him, but that'd probably freak him out. Sadly, I couldn't see his sleeping face 'cause it was covered by his blanket.

Instead, I washed up and got ready for breakfast. I figured he had to eat with Doctor Williams so I left without him.

— — —

At the cafeteria, I was practically scarfing down my food. I was just so excited that I almost choked on a sausage (not that way, ya dirty freaks). Mike handed me milk and patted my back as I tried to calm down. Since I finished early, I went back to my room.

Not long after I sat down on my bed, Kellin came in. "Hey, you excited about today?" I asked cheerfully. Man I'm really peppy today.

"Why would I be?" he replied with a touch of sassy. He didn't seem too happy.

"It's visiting day..?" I said. Maybe he doesn't know.

"I have no friends outside of here, my dad left when I was two and my mother hates me. What are the odds of someone visiting me? Hmm...I'm thinking a slim zero." Wow. I never knew that about him. I mean, I'm glad he's finally opening up a little, but I wish it was when he was ready. I could tell he said it in the spur of the moment. Although, I did feel my heart break a little for the poor kid, maybe I could just hug him and...whoa chill Vic.

"I'm pretty sure someone will come today," I tried to reassure him.

With that, I went to the lounge to see my parents.

— — —

I followed the nurse to a table where Mike was sitting. Sitting uncomfortably across from him were my parents. "Hello Vic," my father said in an awkward voice. I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Everyone misses you guys," my mother cooed.

"Well they wouldn't be missing us if you didn't send us here," Mike muttered spitefully. I smacked the side of his arm disapprovingly.

"Tell them we miss them, too," I said sensibly.

"It's a shame you guys are in here. What colleges will accept you now?" my mother shook her head in shame. I stayed quiet while Mike was fuming.

"Vic, have you made any friends yet?" My dad asked, changing the subject. I started talking about the friends I've made; Tony, Alex, Jack, Alan, Tay, Shannon and Kellin. I talked mainly about Kellin though.

"That's great dear," my mom said, obviously bored with my long list of friends. My mom began idly chatting about her new kitchen appliances while I started daydreaming a little.

There was yelling coming from another table, pulling me back to reality. I shot my head up and on instinct, stared right at Kellin's table. He was talking with some guy, lowkey got jealous but anyways, Kellin started freaking out. I watched as the fiery red head stormed out, smirking ever so slightly.

Kellin started crying, practically sobbing, and shaking so I ran to him.

I frantically looked around the room to see if anyone had noticed and by the looks of it, Alex was the only other person who noticed. He was looking worriedly at Kells and I while jogging towards one of the nurses.

"Kellin, come on, it'll be okay," I said as I tried to calm him down. He was still breathing heavily. I squeezed his shoulder tighter. "Kells, calm down, I'm right here, stay strong." I felt myself panicking. Then suddenly, he stopped hyperventilating and fell limp in my arms.

"KELLIN!" I screamed.

A couple nurses came over and checked his pulse, etc. etc. "Relax sweetie, he's still alive, just unconscious," they reassured me.

"Oh thank the gods," I sighed in relief as I carried Kellin onto the gurney. I knew who wasn't dead, but it's just a reassuring feeling when someone says he's fine you know? I was still shaking as I watched him get pulled into the ICU, Intensive Care Unit. Not good at all. Mike came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Mom and Dad just left. Too much of a hassle to stay and talk to us. What happened to Kellin?"

"I don't know man. Some guy visited him and I guess that triggered his panic attack." I said lowly and shook my head.

"You should go check up on him when the nurses leave. Just sneak in. I know you're worried."

"Yeah I think I will. Cover for me," I said as I walked to the ICU. I swear Kellin better not leave me. I trudged through the hall, peeking in the rooms until I found Kellin's.

He was still passed out, not surprising. I snooped around the room a little bit until I found a little doctors note that had information about Kellin. I really shouldn't be looking at this but..oh well.

I skimmed the paper, there wasn't anything interesting besides him fainting from lack of nutrition. I guess that makes msense, his body probably could handle the shock since his vitals are so low. I carefully placed the paper back down and sat on one of the uncomfortable waiting chairs. Kellin is still asleep so I took that as an opportunity to rest my eyes and get some sleep.

I'm slacking on this story so bad guys I'm so sorry. ☹️

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