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This chapter was written by Monica 🐢( FlairForTheMadness ) Oh yes I love le turtle. Ty Rosiee.

Mike's p.o.v.-

"When am I allowed to leave this damn place?" I asked my therapist Mr.Eckes.

He shook his head and looked up at me. "When you learn to control your temper and learn that doing drugs is bad."

I clenched my fists. "I've been here for three fucking years and I've had no access to drugs. So please fucking explain what you mean 'learn that doing drugs is bad.'"  I'm pretty sure I've learned my lesson. This place is hell. It's a jail. For the kids with problems. Thats all this place is. There's no help here.

Mr.Eckes shook his head again and said "There goes the temper part I was talking about." Well thank you for ignoring my question.

"Whatever." I got up and left his office and walked to my room and slammed the door shut.

"How much longer is this going to take!" I yell to no one specifically.

I didn't notice was someone else was in the room with me till I snapped my head.

"Tony..?" I think his name is Tony. Right? I mean he looks like a Tony. Yeah thats Tony.

He looked up at me shyly and said "Uh."

I chuckle a little.

I sit down on my bed across from Tony and stare at the ceiling. I heard small hums coming from Tony. I look at him, smile and look back up at the ceiling.

I wonder if you could break these beds and just break the wall open or something. I shake my head a look at Tony. He opens his mouth slightly about to say something then he stops.

"Did you want to say something?" I ask giving a confused look staring at him.

He looks at me and stutters "Uh, yeah, uh, what does the color of your wristband mean?" He looks like he's sweating a bit.

I look down then back up at Tony. "Drug addiction. I've been here for a while." I say.

Tony smiled a bit then he held his head.

I get up and walk over to Tony and bend down to his level. "Are you okay?" I ask cautiously. Tony slight shakes his head 'no'.

"Do you want anything for it?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

He stays silent for a while and then he yells out "PLEASE!"

I'm not sure if he was talking to me or not but I got up anyways and pulled the little case I had under my bed.

I unzipped it and grabbed the bag of white pills that was the pain killers. NOT DRUGS.

I open the bag and grab two out for Tony and then hand it to him.

"Thanks." He says quietly then takes the pills in his hand swallows it. Those pills taste disgusting honestly. I don't see how he just swallowed them dry. I would go to the bathroom sink for water to take with those.

"How do you have these?" He asks.

"I stole it off a nurse. This place just gives me killer headaches sometimes, and I just needed something for it to go away quick without having to go through their question process that takes forever. Don't say anything though, because if its gone I suffer and so do you."


The dinner bell rings and I heard Tony leave already. I peeked my head through the bathroom door and nobody was here.

I sighed and splashed my face with water then dried it off with my shirt. I walked out the bathroom and hid my little case back under my bed in the corner.

I walked down the empty halls and got to the lunch room. Good for me on acting out today I get to sit for two weeks with Doctor McKinnon.

I walk in with my food and see my brother sitting with Tony. I guess they got in trouble too.

I sigh and walk towards them. Vic looks up and scoots over so I could sit next to him but instead I take a seat next to Tony. Vic and I haven't talked since he got here and I don't even know if I wan't to talk to him.

I mean he's the one who stopped coming to visit and talk to me. Why should I talk to him?

I pick at my food and take a few bites then realize how quiet we are compared to everyone else.

I look up and see Vic staring at me with glossy eyes. I hold my head in my hands and run my fingers through my hair. I get up and leave my tray were it is and sit next to Vic. He's my brother and I can't just not talk to him.

"Why did you stop coming to visits?" I whisper asked him.

He gave me a confused look and said "Mom and dad told me that I couldn't go to visits anymore."

I perked my head up and gave a confusing look. "They told me you didn't want to see me anymore."

Before he could reply the bell rang, stupid fucking bell I hate that thing.

I sat down next to Tony, Vic, and the sassy boy from the morning circle who I'm assuming is Kellin. Him and Vic were bickering about food, yeah that's definitely Kellin.

I zoned out for a moment but when I got back to reality everyone was fussing about a movie. I heard She's The Man being thrown around making me grimace.

"Do you know how girly that movie is?" I asked in a bored tone.

"You're gay. I don't see the problem here." Alex retorted back, touché my friend.

I seen Tony's head pop up from his hands and he looked at me when Alex said that.

"What?" I asked glancing at Tony.

He didn't answer at first then said ""

I nodded my head and finally everyone agreed to watching She's The Man.

We all got comfortable and the movie started.

I zoned out in the middle of the movie and looked at Tony. Those are some huge ass gauges. I raised an eyebrow thinking. I wonder if they hurt? I wouldn't get them but I wonder if they hurt.

I shook my head and I realized the movie still had about 43 minutes left to it. I yawned and rubbed my eyes then got up and walked towards Tony.

"I'm gonna head off to bed so when you come in please be quiet." I said whispring to him.

He turned around and nodded his head. I then got up to give vic a hug but to my dismay he was gone. So was his little boyfriend, roommate whatever. Suspicious.

As I walked down the halls I heard two familiar voices and a doctors voice.

"We think he's ready to leave. He's been here for too long. We are sure he has learned his lesson."

"No. No we don't think he has. Mike doesn't really like to listen to people are you sure he has 'learned his lesson'?"

"Well ma'am he is your son and he can't just stay here for the rest of his life. He has to go soon we can't just hold him."

"Keep him for a few more months. His therapist, Mr.Eckes, just called us early this morning telling us that Michael needs to work on his anger. We really think he needs to stay for a few more months."

I realized that that was my mother's and father's voice. They don't even want me to come home. They don't want me. I hit the wall then ran down the hall to my room then slammed the door shut.

I sat on my bed and held my head in my hands. I had a chance of getting out of this place. I wonder if this is the only reason I've been kept in longer. The lies. My own parents saying that they think I should stay in longer. They don't even know me anymore. I don't talk to them anymore.

I wiped away a few tears then laid in bed and pushed all my thoughts to the back of my head. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

Ahah this is great. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, sorry if it's kinda short. But thanks for reading it little turtles. Byyee love you guys.

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