Such Small Hands

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Hey I know this is late asf oops. There's been some issues with the other writer and such but don't worry this should be back on its regular schedule soon. Enjoy (: BTW THE MINI HIATUS IS OVER LOVES.

Mike's POV

I sighed and threw my head back, dumping a couple small, white pills in my mouth. Don't worry, they're antidepressants. I'm not depressed at all but I'm still required to take them, everyone here is.

My friends, Alex Tony and Vic (of course), have been moping around since Kellin was put in the ICU but he only has a few more days.

"Mike!" I snap my head up and look around to see who called me. Tony stood there giving me a worried glare.

"I've been calling you for ages. Are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I replied. "What's up?"

"Oh um.. I was wondering if you had anymore of that medicine you gave me." He muttered.

"Uh yeah...why?" I asked skeptically.

"Can I uh have one?" I shook my head at his request.

"Mike please?!" He begged.

"No." I said firmly. "We can both get in so much trouble. Plus, I don't want anything happening to you"

He sighed, "My meds don't work..but yours do."

I sighed and shook my head one last time. I will not let this boy have my medicine. He can get in trouble, I can get in trouble and if the doctors get really pissed then we probably can't be roommates anymore.

"How about you talk to Doctor Iero?" I suggested. He violently shook his head.

"Okay. Fine. I'll talk to him." I huffed. Tony smiled lightly at me and left to go to the cafeteria. I shook my head to myself, the things I do for this boy.


"Please Mr. Iero!" I begged.

"Mike, I'm serious. If Tony has an issue with his mess then he can tell me himself." He said firmly.

"By he told me himself." I said stubbornly.

"Michael you know why I can't accept your request." He said sternly. I nodded my head, a drug addict requesting for a friends medication to be changed. Sounds pretty stupid right?

"Look." Doctor Iero said. I perked my head up. "I'll think about to alright, but tony has to talk to me." He continued.

"Alright. Thank you."

"You really care about him don't you?" That took me by surprise. Do I care about tony that much?

"It's only been about a month since he came." I said.

"Yes I know Mike." The Doctor chuckled.

"Well, your time is up." Doctor iero sighed. I smiled lightly and left the room and back to my own.

"Tony guess what." I said as soon as I walked in.

"Hmm?" He mumbled giving me a quick glance.

"Doctor Iero said he's thinking of changing your medicine!" I shouted.

"Really! Oh my god thank you Mike." He jumped up and hugged me. I stiffened but slowly hugged him back. I felt a weird tingling feeling which made me pull myself away. He looked disappointed but shrugged it off.

"Michael, Antonio?" Someone said from the doorway.

"It's Mike."

"It's Tony." We said simultaneously, causing us to laugh like five year olds.

"Erm yeah sorry. Its group time." The nurse said and rushed out of the room. I glanced at Tony and started laughing even more, so did he. Then we ran down the the room for circle time. I skimmed the room until I found Vic who was sitting next to Alex and to my surprise Kellin.

"Hey they let you out early?" I said to Kellin taking a seat in between him and tony.

"No. They let me out for circle time but I still have a few more today's left." He sighed. Poor guy, intensive is fucking hell.

"Hello guys." A perky nurse that I've never seen before said from the middle of the circle.

"So does anyone want to start the group today?" No one said anything. She must be new.

"Alright." She sighed, "I'll just shuffle through the patient files and randomly pick one." She pulled out a file and stared at it for a minute.

"Alexander?" She said and looked around the room. Alex cleared his throat.

"Ah okay. Hello Alex. How about you start by giving the group a reminder of why you're here and such."


"Excuse me?" She asked.


"What do you mean by no." She said sounding pissed.

"No as in I do not want to start nor do I want to talk about why I am here." He said sternly.

"Oh um well, that's okay I guess." She furrowed her eyebrows and looked around the room. Then she pointed towards Kellin.

"You. What's you're name?" Kellin looked back and forth between Vic and I and then pointed to himself.

"Are you talking to me?" He asked with a hint of sass. The nurse nodded causing Kellin to roll his eyes.

"It's Kellin."

"Well, Kellin, would you mind leading the group?"

"Where's Doctor Hayley?" He asked, avoiding her request.

"She isn't feeling well so I'm filling in for her. Now please, stop wasting time and start the group discussion."

"Alright alright damn. I'm here because I have an eating issue." The nurse looked down at her clipboard which had a list of questions she was supposed to ask.

"Do you think that the hospital is helping?"

"Doctor Hayley never runs the group like this." Kellin spat.

"That's not what I asked Kellin."

"Oh my god."

"You're acting immature."

"Okay?" Kellin sassed.

There was an awkward silence before the nurse spoke up.

"Does anyone-" she was cut off by the bell and everyone rushed out of the room, except for Kellin who was escorted back upstairs. Not gonna lie, that kid seems like trouble but I don't know him well yet. I followed Tony back to the room and plopped down onto my bed.

"You know, I know like nothing about you." I said randomly to my utterly quiet roommate.

"I'm not interesting though." He replied gloomily.

"Bullshit, tell me about yourself." I sat up and stared at Tony.

"Well, I'm sixteen but my birthday I next week. I love turtles. My favorite color is green. And..I'm gay." Gay? Now that caught my attention.

"Oh so you like guys?"

"I'm pretty sure that's what gay means Mikey." He sassed causing me to chuckle.

"Alright chillax turtle. Just making sure." I felt my stomach churn at the thought that I might have a chance with..wait what the hell Mike.

"You're not like a homophobe right..?"

"Well it would be hypocritical of me if I was don't you think." I smirked and got up to go to the cafeteria, leaving the younger boy in wonder.

HOLA GUYS SOOOOO IM SORRY FOR THE MINI HIATUS BUT IM BACK. Also I'm working on new stories so stay tuned for that. Love you guys ❣️

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