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My steak was red. Blood oozing out of it as I put pressure on it with my knife. This would surely make any human sick, as the meat was definitely undercooked and looked like it had been in the oven for five minuets. Good thing I wasn't human...

My mothers steak was what most people would call just right and my fathers had been burnt to a crisp, just the way they liked it.

We barely had family dinners anymore. My father was always off torturing someone and my mother was always sitting on a cloud, trying to figure out a way to make a humans life better. So I knew something was off.

If you haven't guessed it yet, my family wasn't made of humans. We were what you called 'gold blooded'. The gold blooded meant exactly that, it meant you had gold blood. Supernatural creatures born to rule, destroy or protect the world were born with gold blood.

My father was born to rule, his father being the previous ruler of hell, immediately making him a gold blooded supernatural.

My mother was born to protect. She had been a human once but Fate had killed her, as she was destined to protect the planet as a gold blooded.

Some are born to protect the whole planet and watch over all the humans, while others are assigned to a single person. However, this is extremely rare and if you are given a human to look after, him or her must be in desperate need of help.

The ones born to destroy are supposedly born with dark, cold hearts and no soul, but some are banished to the role if they have done something unspeakable.

Usually to be a gold blooded ruler you need to be born into it, but in some rare cases, that rule is not applied. I was born to rule. After my father retires, I would be the new ruler of hell.

All you could hear was the clutter, clatter of our cutlery, till I broke the silence. "So, when are you guys going to talk to me about why we're all here?" My parents look at each other as if deciding who should tell me the news. A couple of moments later my mum obviously won, as my dad started speaking.

"Son. Your eighteenth birthday has already gone and passed and you are still neglecting your duties -" I roll my eyes as I hear this, "- you have yet to find a wife and make a heir." My father chocked out the words 'make' and 'heir'.

By the age of eighteen I was already supposed to be engaged with some gold blooded woman and giving my parents grandchildren. It was important to have children young if you're a gold blooded ruler, as if something happens to you, you need to have a heir to give your title to.

My mother decides to continue. "And you act like you're still in the terrible two stage and you are nothing but irresponsible," she scolds, "So me and your father have-" my mother is cut off by my dad clearing his throat and my mum rolls her eyes, "-fine, I have decided that you will be sent down to earth."

I choke on my own spit, "W-what?" She couldn't be serious, could she? Earth? I was a gold blooded for gods sake! I didn't belong there with mortals.

My mother sighs. "I'm sorry, Asher, but this is how it has to be."

A couple of moments later, I have regained my composure and am staring at my plate with a blank expression on my face. "How long?"

"As long as I see need be." my mother replies, daring me to disagree with her. You'd think my dad would scare me more than my mum, but that was not the case. My dad was always easy to impress and he often said he saw himself in me. My mother was a different story however. She hated my recklessness behaviour and often scolded me for being a 'dimwit' as she put it. Before I could ask my next question, as if reading my mind, my mother says, "You will be leaving tomorrow morning. We have a friend living down on earth and we have already asked him if you could stay with him and his daughter, and he has kindly agreed."

I nod my head and rise out of my seat. I turn around and just as I was about to exit the dinning room, my mother say one more thing. "Oh, and you will be attending Maple Hill collage."



First chapter!
This chapter is quite short because it's just a prologue but other chapters will be longer.

I will update every Tuesday and Friday, as well as bonus chapters every now and again.

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