6 | Happy Without Me

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The pain on my stomach had began to stop stinging and felt numb, thanks to the magic which had been put into me by my mother.

The dark skinned woman who had saved me was perched on an arm chair which had been in my family for generations. She was sipping a glass of herbal tea. "It's a good thing I was their to save you."

I snort in response all though without her, I'd probably be dead and so would Scarlett.

"Don't be rude." Scarlett scolded. She was sitting on my bed, which I was lying down on, with her hand clutching mine. My eyes softened as I looked at her. She had a scowl on her face but I could tell she wasn't really angry. I squeezed her hand.

I was about to apologise, not wanting to see the frown on Scarlett's face any longer but my mother came into the room with tea and biscuits. It was an odd sight to see in all honest. She was wearing her usual modern office clothes and had her hair in a perfect bun while holding a thousand year old tray. My mother was in her early thirties and hadn't passed a day over that since she had died. To become a gold blooded, my mother had had to die, and when she did, she had become immortal.

My dad was immortal as well but that was by choice, he had managed to spell himself that way and so would I once I wanted to.

"Here you go, you three." My mother set the tray down on my bedside table before excusing herself saying she had forgotten the milk.

We had been in the land of the Gold Blooded for a couple of hours and the result of that was beginning to show in Scarlett. Her brown hair had become darker, close to black and her tanned skin had turned more pale. But she was just as stunning as always.

"So, aren't you two going to show me around? I mean, I've always wanted to come visit but I've never really gotten a chance–"

I blocked out the woman next to me. My mother being her usual self had insisted in a way of thanks that she stay for dinner, much to my dismay. She had chocolate brown eyes, which were wide and knowing-full. She wasn't part of my race but part of a just as fascinating one.

The Black Blooded were similar to my kind, the Gold Blooded, but not quite the same. The Black Blooded were full of seers and people who could tell the future or could look into the past.

Despite my dislike for the woman Scarlett seemed to like her so that meant I'd have to put up with her.

Her aqua coloured hair was dyed and curly, two pieces of it framing her round face. I probably would have found her beautiful if I hadn't already been wrapped around Scarlett's little finger.

I finally interrupted her talking and sat up with a small groan. "I think me and Scarlett have more important things to talk about, like who hired Caleb to and kill her." I knew I owed her my life but I just wanted to spend some alone time with Scarlett, "So thank you for saving me but with all due respect I think it's time for you to leave—"

"But I was invited to stay for dinner and you haven't even asked me my name yet!" She interrupted me with her winning. I frowned at this but Scarlett's gasp stopped me from complaining.

"Oh my, I'm so so so so so sorry! With all the drama going on I forgot to ask you." Scarlett seemed genuinely worried that she might of upset the girl. Why did it bother her so much? "What is your name?"

"My names Thea." Thea smiled proudly at Scarlett and she seemed to relax knowing that Thea was no longer upset. I frowned again.

This time Scarlett noticed my discomfort and gave me a questioning look.

Thea's extremely annoying voice started again. "Oh! I'll just give you some alone time." And with that she skipped out of my bedroom.

"Finally." I mumbled under my breath.

"Is everything okay?" Scarlett's quiet timid voice spoke.

I smiled softly at her. The way she looked at me made my heart ache with longing. "Why did you seem so upset with the whole Thea situation. You know, like when I was asking her to leave or when she went on about how we didn't ask her her name."

Scarlett blushed and began to play with her fingers. Had I upset her? That wasn't what I wanted, but again I ruin things with my constant curiosity. "N-not that it's a bad t-thing." I stuttered. Please don't be mad at me, I prayed silently.

I had less than a year to persuade her to live with me and every second counted.

She sighed. "It's just that I... I wanted her to like me." She wanted Thea to like her? "I don't have many friends... I've never had any friends. And Thea was just so nice and friendly to me, she didn't treat me like I was... like I was a freak."

Tears drop from her eyes and I ignore the pain and put her swiftly in my lap, rocking her gently. "That doesn't matter, you know why, because you're mine." I took a deep breath, but if you want Thea as a friend then that's okay too."

She smiled up at me and in that moment, I knew.

Scarlett Clair was my everything. With out her I was nothing. If she didn't want to be with me by the end of the year, then that was fine. If that meant she was happy, then I would be willing to let her go. She was the sun and I was the moon, without her, I wouldn't be able to shine in the darkness. Without her I would never be happy, but if she was without me, then I would just have to survive.

Because I was in love with Scarlett Clair. For better or for worse, I'll never know.

 For better or for worse, I'll never know

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He said the L-word!

Q: How do you feel about Thea?

I loved writing this chapter for two main reasons. 1) writing Scarlett's and Thea's new found friendship had me releasing mental 'aawww(s)' in my head, and, 2) this whole chapter was in Asher's POV and I love writing in his point of view.  It's so refreshing!

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