9 | Smoke And Mint

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After a lot of grovelling and begging I finally convinced Asher to give us a tour of the city.

Mrs. Hell had previously washed the clothes I had on, so I put them on again with the promise that Asher would buy me new ones.

I don't mind though, I feel comfortable in my blue high waisted jeans and my dark green top. I had no jacket on as I had left mine in the forest, too distracted by Asher's injury to get it.

As I walk out of the bedroom I had gotten changed into the black dress, Asher frowns when he sees me.

"You have no jacket." He says. It wasn't a question, it was a statement so I don't feel the need to respond. Asher took of his leather jacket and put it around my shoulders. I start to object but Asher doesn't let me. "Wear it."

So I do because I don't want to argue with Asher and I can't deny that wearing something of his doesn't appeal to me.

His jacket smells of smoke and mint.

He smiles at me and I smile back. "Come on, Thea's waiting downstairs." He grimaces as he says my only friend's – apart from him – name. I don't understand why he doesn't like her but at least he's trying.

As soon as we set foot downstairs, I hear Thea before I see her. "Come on! Let's go!"

I giggle at her excitement but I can't deny that I can't wait to go see the city. Asher rolls his eyes beside me and intwines his hand with mine. At first my hand is tense but then I let myself relax and enjoy the feel of his soft skin on mine.

Before my eyes the magical door appeared. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "This is a different kind of portal." Asher explains, "My house is further away from the rest of civilisation, so to get to the main city we'd have to walk a while."

Well, that makes sense.

Thea squeals and swings the door open and jumps inside. And before I can regret my decision, Asher pulls me inside as well.

The first thing I see is blackness, then more blackness. But Asher wastes no time re-opening the door.

This time when we step out, we weren't back in my small kitchen, or the Hell's household, but somewhere completely different.

All around me people stride around, most dressed extravagantly. It looks like the town square where I live in the sense that shops cover the streets as well as markets. Except from the fact that I see no rundown shops and every single one looks new and freshly furnished. There are no trees which I find slightly odd, but don't linger on it for more than a second.

I look up and gasp. It's as if the sky had been cut up in different parts and each part was a different colour. It's like the sky was one big rainbow, all the colours seemingly blending in but still separate. And the clouds were a whole different story. They seem like balls of cotten candy, some low enough you can touch.

Some people are even sitting on them, some with clipboards and notepads, laptops and tablets, newspapers, books and magazines. Most of them are dressed like Asher's mum, with smart office clothes, varying to cream and white.

A motorbike zooms past us, missing us by an inch. Well, I say it was a motorbike but it's hard to tell considering and just been a blur of silver and black.

It's light enough that no street lights are on, but as I look at what's supposedly the street lights, I see tall unlit torches.

Magical, I think, that's the only suitable word to describe it.

I can sense Asher looking at me, so I turn to face him. He's smiling at me and I can't help but love his smile and how it makes him feel. I hope my smile makes him feel like his does to me. Like you're on top of the world and not one thing can bring you down from your high.

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