13 | Berries And Lemons

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"Tell me something I don't know about you."

Asher thinks for a moment. "Okay, ask me a question, but for every question you ask me I get to ask you one."

I nod. His rules are fair and I feel like I could tell him anything. "Favourite colour?"

He grins at me like he knows something I don't and answers without hesitation. "Purple. I think most of the beautiful things in world are purple."

I nod despite me disagreeing. Purple is a beautiful colour but I can't say I see plenty of beautiful things that pacific colour apart from flowers.

"What's yours?"

My favourite colour changes a lot depending my mood or my surroundings. "Black." I answer after a couple of moments of thought. "I don't even know why. I guess it's the simplicity of the colour, like the fact you can't make black lighter without making it another colour and you can't make it darker because black is the darkest colour out there."
I shrug.

I think for a while longer before asking another question. It isn't necessary about him but my curiosity is always getting the best of me. "What's a MirrorGlass?"

"Oh. That? You know the fairy tale about Snow White and the seven dwarfs? Well, they did actually exist as well as the Evil Queen. To get rid of her evil magic, Snow White and the Dwarfs had to smash her mirror – you know, the one on the wall? – and burry the pieces across the world. Thousands of years later the pieces were found and made into small curricular mirrors. Not everyone here uses them, mostly guardians and the Black Blooded really. Anyways, with the mirror you can talk – and see, if you wish – with another person of choice. All you have to do is say 'MirrorGlass, I wish to see the person of my hearts desire—' then say your desired persons name and vuola! If the other person has a MirrorGlass it should vibrate and shine brightly. Kind of like FaceTime or Skype if you ask me." He shrugs.

All I can think is; I want one.

"If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?"

"The mountains. And I mean like proper mountains, like the ones you see in photos, with all the snow and the ice. I mean, it must be so magical up there..." I drift off on the thought.

Asher probably thinks I'm crazy at this precise moment in time, but then he nods as if understanding what I mean. "Why do you smell of smoke?" I ask after a brief moment of silence. He doesn't look like a person who would smoke and most importantly; when we kissed he didn't taste like it either.

"Well, I don't smoke if that's what you were thinking." Knew it. "You know when I got angry the other day and my hair turned into fire?" I nod, "Well most of the time when I get really angry, upset or stressed, my hair turns to fire. Plus fire is one of the things I can control and manipulate. Thus why I smell of smoke."

Asher is grinning at me, the grin that I love that show all his teeth and make his eyes go smaller. But then it vanishes and an anxious look over takes his features. "You like it don't you?"

I look at him in confusion.

"The smell?"

I would of laughed and took it as a joke if it wasn't for the serious look on Asher's face. He is genuinely worried that I didn't like the smell of him?

"Erm, yes?"

Asher looks like he is in pain. "Oh no! I knew I should of wore more cologne..."

"No, seriously, I like it." In fact I love Asher's smell. It's weird to see the Prince of Hell all self insecure and worried.

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