8 | The Black Blooded

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Hey guys,
From now on my chapters are going to be in present tense and not past tense. I will be slowly editing the first seven chapters so they are all in the same tense, but I will not be changing details (unless I say so later on) so you don't need to reread them or anything.

Asher strokes my hair lovingly as if I had  a big cut on my stomach.

He had been apologising to me while I had been apologising to Mrs. Hell for throwing up in her vase.

"I should of warned you that it was Goblin—" Asher says, but I interrupt him.

"It's fine. All this is normal for you, you probably didn't even think twice about it."

Asher sighs but doesn't say anything to argue. Thea comes in not a minuet later with a cup of tea in her hand. "Maria's special homemade tea, good for calming nerves." She says.

I don't feel comfortable calling Asher's mum by her first name, despite her reminding me that I'd be her daughter in law soon enough. The thought alone made me blush.

Would I be though?

Soon enough I drift of to sleep with only one question in my mind; would I choose to leave Asher or stay in a world I barely understand?


"It can't be him though, can it?"

"Who else would it be, son?"

"I don't know, but he wouldn't hurt her, he's—"

"Don't you think I know that, Asher? All the dots add up. He could of known very well that you and Scarlett would meet and that you were mates. It would of been no trouble for him to take a trip to the land of the Black Blooded and get someone from there to tell him."

"I guess you have a point there. After all, they'll do anything for a bit of our blood."

I wake up to two voices arguing. I open my eyes and make sense of my surroundings. I am still in Asher's bedroom. The door was open slightly, and I can see Asher, his body tense.

I tilt my head and see the other voice belonged to Mr. Hell.

"Listen, son, we'll keep this information to ourselves till we know for sure. That means no telling Scarlett or your mother."

He sighs. "I hate lying to her. I hate lying to them both."

"I know, but you have to."


I pout as I bite into a piece of toast. I know I'm being difficult, but I can't help it.

Asher was keeping secrets from me and to add onto that, he's forbidden me from leaving his home.

I feel like a child and that bothers me.

"You know I just want to keep you safe, right?" He says.

I sigh. "I know."

Asher grins at me and before I have a moment to register what he is doing, he has already placed a kiss on my now flushed cheek. Then he walks into the next room and my heart beats irregularly.

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