15 | Jack Frost

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I am lying in a bed but it isn't the one I'm using at the Hell's or my bed at home. The bed sheet is a light blue and the whole room feels cold. Over the light blue sheet is a white fluffy blanket with blue snowflakes decorating it. I sit up and throw the blankets of me, making me shiver from the cold air.

I swing my legs around and put my feet on the floor, revealing my bare feet. But that isn't the first thing I notice. I notice the floor. It's got a layer of ice on it, some areas of it snow. I look up at the ceiling to make sure I'm inside and I am. There is a window but it is tightly shoot, leaving no explanation why the floor is covered in snow and ice.

"You're awake."

I swivel around see that a pale boy is seated in an dark blue arm chair by the bed. His hair is white and has traces of snow and ice at the top. His eyes are blue but as well as seeing my startled and flustered reflection in them I also see small snowflakes, like they are dropping from his brain to his eyes.

I check behind me quickly to make sure that the ceiling isn't snowing. It isn't.

His skin is pale like Asher's, but even more so. The corners of his light pink lips are tinted blue, maybe from the cold. He is wearing a blue hoody, grey ripped jeans and his feet are bare.

"Woah there, don't worry, I'm friendly." He smiles at and tilts his head to the side.

Then I remember what happened my da– the stranger, falling from the edge, being saved...

"D-did you save me?" My voice is rough like I haven't had a drink in days. The boy seems to notice and hands me a glass of water which he had been holding.

Half of it is ice and I can see frost where his fingers have been. He looks slightly embarrassed and the pink blush on his cheeks look odd on his chalky skin. "Sorry about that." He shrugs.

I drink the water in two gulps, but the ice in it remains at the bottom. As if remembering my question, he answers; "Yes, I was. He got away though I'm sad to say."

I just nod. I can't say I'm not glad that he's unharmed but I'm happy that he didn't die. My voice sounds better as I say my next question. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jack. Jack Frost." I should deny the words that come out of the boys mouth ad label them as make believe but I don't fought the fact that he is who he says he is. For one, he fits the description of the name Jack Frost perfectly and for second, from the things I know, I wouldn't be surprised if Santa Clause is real.

"No surprise there." I mumble.

I hear Jack chuckle and I look up to see him still looking at me. I clear my throat, feeling awkward. "Anyway, erm, thanks for saving me but I really souls be getting back..."

Jack nods. "I guessed as much. I can take you there if you want." He talks to me like I know him and he knows me. I don't mind though, the kindness he is giving me is refreshing.

I have no idea how o would get, as I do not have a magical portal to get me places so I nod. "Thanks, that would be helpful. I need to get to Hell—"

"Woah, woah, woah! Hell? Hell!? Sorry to disappoint but that is the place of no return, where the dead go when their souls are bad, or where the people with death wishes visit and I am not taking you there." The mention of hell seemed to turn him on the alert. "Do you have a death wish?" He hisses.

"No!" I defend. "My fiancé is actually the soon to be ruler of the place and I am currently living there." I blush as I realise my words, but it is true more or less. I had made my decision moments before I thought I was going to die and be taken away to heaven, and just because I'm not, doesn't mean I'm going to change it.

Jacks mouth is open and his snowflake eyes wide. I see hurt, pain and betrayal in them and I wonder if I said something wrong. Something tells me he's not going to take me. Nothing a bit of begging won't fix...

"Pleeeeease, I really need to get back to my home." I give him the puppy dog eyes and the pout to go with it.

Jack groans before narrowing his eyes at me and giving me a pointed look. "You are lucky I'm a dog and not a cat person."

He looks at me for a moment before shaking his head and getting a shoe box from underneath his bed. He opens the box to reveal a pair of red glittery shoes surrounded by snow.

"Are those..."

"Dorothy's slippers?" Jack finishes. I nod. "Yep. Now, I'm not going with you to hell because I don't have a death wish." Jack makes a big show out of the word 'I' before carrying on. "I've changed the slippers slightly though, so what you need to do is say 'make me a blizzard' before tapping your heels together three times and of coarse, thinking about the place you want to go."

It sounds simple enough but there was one part I am worried about; make me a blizzard. Would it actually make a real blizzard? I hope not.

"Go on then." Heavy nods towards the shoes he had placed on the floor.

I take a deep breath before placing my feet inside and then take another one. "Make me a blizzard." A soft wind blows moving the snow slightly on the floor. Is that it? Was that the blizz– But before I can Fock she my thought the wind starts to pick up and more snow seems to be circling the air, more than what was on the floor. And it seems to be circling around me pacifically.

Soon enough all I can see is snow and Jack has disappeared behind it. It's not touching me, but it's close enough to get my heart racing.

Then I remember what I'm supposed to be thinking about. I close my eyes tightly and begin to think about only one place:

I want to got to Hell.

I want to go to Hell.

I want to go to Hell.

The thought is almost funny and if someone said that out loud to me a month ago, I would of probably directed the person to the closest mental asylum.

The snow blizzard around me was slowly coming to a stop. Finally, I can see my surroundings and know I am at the Hell's dinning room. I'm nervous to say the least. I don't know what to expect and if anything my da– the stranger said was true. Is what he said about Maria and Hayden true? My mum? Is any of it true?

The snow blizzard has now disappeared completely and I can see Asher running towards me. Once he reaches me he picks me up and spins me around in the air, picking me up bridal style half way through. "Oh Scarlett, I was so worried." He nuzzles his nose into my neck, placing small kisses on my skin every once and a while. "What happened? Where were you? How did you get back? Are you hurt—"

I giggle. "One question at a time!" He smiles at my small outburst and looks at me with admiration I don't quite understand. "My dad happened. He took me to a ruth on top of this tall building and he... told me stuff... and... he wanted to... wanted—"

I don't realise I am crying till Asher gently puts me down on my feet, not letting go of me, cooing words of comfort. "It's okay, don't cry Scarlett."

I sniffle. "M-my dads a complete loon!" I don't mean to make the last word come out in a broken sob but it does.

"Ssssh, I know. My dad told me about him and he thinks he's—"

"No!" I don't want Asher near his father till I know my father spoke lies for sure. "My dad said—"

"Don't listen to anything he says Scarlett," Hayden steps forward into view, "Your dads never been right in the head and in afraid to say everything he's told you, everything you've known was a complete lie."


I do not own Jack Frost or Dorothy's slippers, I did not make neither the character or the object.


Q: How do you feel about Hayden (Asher's dad)?

Fun fact: I was originally planning for Asher to find her but decided it was time to introduce Jack ;)

I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks there for won't be able to post new chapters on Tuesdays and Fridays. Sorry!

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