2 | Bound Together By Fate

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All I could hear was my screams as Asher jumped through the door.

This was it, I was going to die. My funeral would probably be a closed casket, after all, I'd probably be as flat as a pancake. I feel sorry for who ever had to peel me off the floor.

A chuckle interrupted my scream. "Love, you can stop screaming now."

My mouth snapped shut and carefully I peeled one eye open, then the next only to see that we had safely landed. And were not flat like pancakes.

I looked around the rather gigantic room we were standing in and gasp. It looked like we were in a palace. Everything was either black, red, silver or gold. It looked... magical.

The furniture looked old fashioned but modern all the same and everything in the room looked like it told a story.

And then I realised that I wasn't standing on my own feet and a very handsome boy was holding me.

I look up at him and blush. "Erm, can I get down?" I ask sheepishly.

Asher smirked down at me but put me down all the same. Then I realised another thing I had been missing out, the three other people in the room.

The first person my eyes landed on was a man. He was tall and well built, he had black hair and green eyes like Asher's. He was the biggest one out of the three by far and presumably in his mid thirties.

The next person I saw was a woman who also looked in her thirties. She was petite but the way she held herself screamed authority. This woman was incredibly similar to Asher, they shared the same stark white hair but had different eyes as the woman's were a baby blue colour. She was the only thing in the room which was bright, she was wearing a white office skirt, shirt and blazer, along with silver high heels.

The last person, I knew. He was my father. He didn't look uncomfortable standing in the freakishly large room but looked oddly at home. I noticed his beautiful features straight away. My dad was in his late thirties but right now, he looked in his twenties. His boring and ordinary brown hair was black and his eyes were... purple, like mine.

Six months after I was born, I was diagnosed with Alexandria's Genesis. It meant that despite the odds I was born with purple eyes. I had searched the name up on the internet thousands of times and read the symptoms of it, the main ones being; having purple eyes and extremely pale skin. My dad had just shrugged it off but always seemed a bit off as he told me it didn't mean anything. I had never spoken to the doctor about my diagnosis. I had always thought thy my dad just don't want to upset me with it, but now, I didn't think that was the case.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked firmly. Something was going on and I needed to know what. It felt like all my life I had been lied to.

My dad stepped forward. "Calm down, Scarlett and I'll explain everything." He looked at me cautiously as I took a deep breath. I nodded at him to continue, with a small frown, he did. "You must be confused but I promise everything I did, I did to protect you. A long time ago I made the decision to go down to earth and spend the rest of my life with the woman I loved."

Realisation dawned on me. "Mum." I whispered.

My dad nodded and smiled sadly at me before continuing, "She died but I still decided to stay on earth with you to protect you from the madness of the golden blooded. I'm Cupid, cupid himself actually and you are half cupid, half human. If your wondering about my appearance suddenly changing it's because cupids genially stay very young and beautiful, but when I went down to earth I began to age like a human and my appearance changed more... human like, hence the reason I had brown hair.

"For my eyes however I had to wear contacts. For you, I couldn't do that because then you'd know something was up, so I disguised your true heritage and said your purple eyes was due to Alexandria Genesis."

My anger amplified. All that time I had thought I was a freak. I had listened to the other children ever since primary school call me names like 'freak show' and 'purple eyed monster', and I had believed them. I thought I was different and I didn't fit in any where, but all this time I was normal. Well, not exactly normal but I had been something... extraordinary, not weird or disgusting. This could have changed everything for me.

I wasn't only angry, but upset. I had been lied to, didn't I deserve to know the truth.

"Scar, I'm-" my dad started, but I cut him off. I didn't want his apologies.

"Don't." I held my hand out to stop him.

I saw Asher frown beside me and he pulled me close to his body. I would of pulled away from him if I hadn't been so upset... or maybe I wouldn't of. He was kind of warm...


My head snapped up at the woman who said my name but I did not separate myself from Asher. He seemed like... like something I needed.

"I'm sure my son has been quite blunt about the situation to say the least." The woman said with her hands clasped behind her back. So she was Asher's mother. It made sense really, they looked quite similar in appearance.

"But as he probably already told you, you have been bound together by fate."

My mouth dropped open. Wait, he was being serious?!

Asher's mother chuckled as if reading my mind. "Yes, this is very much real."

Despite the woman's strong and strict tone, something about her made me feel reassured.

The man stepped forward now and wrapped his arm around the shoulder of Asher's mother. "Me and Asher's father are like you, bounded together by fate. It's un fightable but you won't ever feel anything more powerful or important."

The man spoke next. "Yes. However even though you have been connected together spiritually, other... events need to be taken place. Like getting married and chi–"


I felt Asher cringe beside me as my face heated up. "I'm not marrying him-" to prove my point I pushed myself away from the Greek God despite how much my body objected to the space between us "- and please tell me you weren't going to say children." My voice sounded pleading and desperate. I hardly knew the pale skinned boy next to me and they wanted me to marry him?

"You know what? I'm leaving." And with that I turned around ready to go back to my sane world.


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