1 | The Un-wanted Guest

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"What?!" I yell after I finish chocking on my English breakfast. I glared at my dad before continuing. "I knew something was up when you took me out to breakfast."

My dad sighs. "I'm sorry, Scar, but you're going to just have to deal with it. I have already agreed to let my friends child stay with us."

I huff and continue to pout. My dad just had to go find a way to ruin my life even more. I was already back to collage and had plenty of homework and now I had to share my home with a boy. Now I actually had to look nice when walking around the house. Splendid.

"Fine. If you're not going to eat that then we should just go back home. Asher will be arriving soon."

I sat straight immediately, grabbing my fork and knife, and began shovelling my breakfast in my mouth. My dad chuckled at my behaviour and I sent a glare his way. "This doesn't mean I've forgiven you, ya know."


I sigh and tap my fingers against the kitchen table. We had been waiting for our 'guest' for over a hour and he still hadn't arrived. "You know, dad, maybe he's not comin-" I was cut off by the doorbell ringing. My dad rushed to get it and I grumbled incoherent words under my breath. Damnit, I was really hoping he wouldn't show up.

A moment or two later, my dad walked into the kitchen, two suitcases in hand, but no guest following behind. I raise my eyebrow but my dad just gives me the you-just-wait look.

I was just about to roll my eyes when a boy walked through the door way. My mouth dropped open instantly.

He had blonde hair which looked white as if it had been bleached, but some how, I knew it hadn't. He had green eyes which looked oddly mystical and out of place in the kitchen he was standing in. He was breath taking.

It felt as if I was being drawn to him, it felt like my feet didn't belong to me anymore and had a mind of their own. My feet started moving and as much as I tried to stop them, I couldn't. My eyes started to burn and my whole body ached. I tried to look towards my dad and scream for help, but my mouth wouldn't open and my eyes didn't remove from the breathtaking boy.

He hadn't noticed me yet and was looking around my small kitchen with disgust evident in his face. I still hadn't reached him yet, as I was using every ounce of my strength not to do just that. I didn't know why I was resisting, but the logical part of my brain was telling me something was wrong.

I heard a gasp and a curse which sounded like they came to my dad but I payed no attention to it. The boy had noticed me now and was staring at me wide eyed and mouth opened, I had nearly reached him.

My hand reached out towards him and I tried to force it down but all my hand did was tremble. The boy held out his hand out to me and latched on to mine. He pulled me forwards till we were chest to chest. I realised that his eyes were no long green, but gold. His eyes were scanning every feature on my face as if trying to memorise what I looked like till reaching my eyes. Then he whispered the thing that changed my life forever.




Things like this hardly happened. It was extremely rare and the only people I knew this had happened to were my parents.

I didn't want to step away from the girl who was clutching my hands as if they were her life line. She was beautiful. Brown hair that stopped below her breasts and golden eyes. I doubted her eyes were really golden and that it was just an effect from the two of us meeting. In fact, my eyes had probably turned golden as well. I couldn't wait to see her real eye colour.

I barely registered her dad leaving the kitchen as my mind questioned if this was real or not.

After all, your soul and heart being bound to someone was very rare and here I was, holding hands with my mate. My soul mate.

My parents were bounded together by fate as well and I had no doubt that it would have been hate at first sight if it wasn't for the bond they shared.

She was fighting it, otherwise she would of said the one word which would finish the bounding of our souls.

Even though I knew this girl couldn't be human as my mother had no human friends, I didn't doubt that this girl believed that she was one, otherwise she wouldn't be fighting.

The compulsion wouldn't wear off us till she said the word fate needed, meaning neither one of us would be moving or speaking and our eyes would remain golden till then.

I saw her rose bud lips open slightly and I waited in anticipation. "Mine." she choked out.

The compulsion broke as soon as that single word was uttered and her small body fell onto mine. My knees wobbled underneath me but I managed to hold myself together. I let go of her hands and wrapped her arms around my neck before wrapping mine around her waist.

"W-what was t-that? Who a-are you? W-why were your eyes g-golden? Where are w-we?" She chocked all the questions out at once and she looked up at me then and I gasped as I saw her eyes. They were purple.

Only cupids had purple eyes and their species had died years ago, before I was born.

Cupids were part of the gold blooded but died out when actual Cupid supposedly died. But apparently that wasn't true.

Her eyes weren't the only thing I noticed. Where are we? Her question flickered through my mind as I looked around quickly before looking back down at her. We were standing in blackness and the only light was coming from a grand, glowing door, aka we were standing in the gate way to the land of the gold blooded.

I smiled at her as I realised she was still waiting for an answer, before responding with my sarcastic and witty charm.

"Hello, my names Asher and welcome to the world of the Gold Blooded and we've been bounded together by fate. Yes, you seem to have sold your soul to the devil, quite literally. Except, I get it for free."

My smile turns into a smirk as I watch her eyes widen, before picking her up bridal style, kicking open the magical door and jumping in.


First chapter!

Q: what do you think of Asher?

OMG the week passed so fast and I seriously thought it was like Thursday or something yesterday, and then I realised that today is Saturday and I haven't updates yet. Ooops...

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