5 | Old Enemies, New Friends

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I had managed to avoid most of the students at my Collage. All the lessons I had, so did Asher, so people tended to just stare at him from a distance. At break I had managed to convince Asher to let me take him on a tour around the school, whilst everyone was either outside or in the hall. But at lunch my perfect plan to get through the day alive, crumbled.

As soon as we entered, Caleb Black's voice echoed through the hall. "Hey, new boy!"

Caleb Black hated me ever since Primary school. He had done everything in his power to make my life miserable. I didn't know the exact reason why he hated me, but I knew it had something to do with my eyes. It always had something to do with my eyes. Mine may have been purple, but his were always murderous when it came to me.

Sometimes I'd travel away from the town I'd live him and wear dark sunglasses, so
I'd have some peace and solitude. That had stopped however when for the third time I had caught Caleb staring at me in the shadows, only to disappear when he realised he had been caught.

Slowly the boy with black hair, sun kisses skin and dark brown eyes made his way towards us. "You don't want to be standing so close to her unless you want to catch something."

The whole hall erupted with laughter and I felt my chest tighten. All though he was talking to Asher, his almost black eyes met my purple ones. I broke and looked away.

My attention turned to Asher to see his reaction. His hands were in fists and his jaw tightly clenched, but his eyes held recognition as if he knew–


My mouth dropped open as the word left Asher's mouth. They knew each other, how?

I blinked and suddenly we weren't in the lunch hall anymore but in the woods. The sky was dark and brooding like it was going to rain any minuet. It looked as if it was night, yet it had been mid day a minuet ago. The air felt warm but chills went through my body. I looked around furiously and rubbed my eyes. How the hell had we gotten here. Luckily Asher was still to my side, but unluckily, Caleb stood in the same position as he was in the hall. "Where are we? And how did we get here?" I whisper-yelled at Asher.

Asher ran a hand threw his white hair, he looked frustrated but other than that he looked quite calm, as if this was what he had been expecting.

"Caleb's gift"- he spat out the word like poison on his tongue - "is to move objects as well as people to different places. He can move to places in a blink of an eye."

I still didn't understand. I had knew Caleb all my life and never had I suspected something. He was just your regular popular kid. As if reading my mind, Asher answered my unspoken question. "In my world there a three groups of people; the ones born to rule, protect and destroy. Guess which group Caleb belongs to?"

Before I could answer, Caleb spoke. "Someone has payed me a lot to get rid of you. I was told to do it once Ash decided to show his face. So I guess it's time." His face wore a smirk and it was then I noticed the knife in his hand. The handle had sapphires incrusted on it and it looked ancient. Deadly.

Caleb took a rather big step forward and so did Asher, pushing me behind him.

"If you want to get through her, you need to get through me." No matter how cliché and cheesy it sounded, it made my heart flutter.

Caleb titled his head to the side as if thinking. "Well, if you insist." And then he charged, however Asher was ready and literally out of no where, a long bright light appeared in Asher's hand. Then I realised it was fire. In the middle was a handle which Asher's hand clutched, making his deathly pale skin look translucent. On each side of the handle were wild yellow, orange and red flames.

As Asher was about to hit Caleb with the fire, Caleb produced a purple translucent shield which seemed to be glued to his arm.

My breathing quickened as I watch Asher get hit by the blade in Caleb's right hand, however Asher didn't seem to be affected to my relief. Despite, the blood oozing out of the cut, Asher remained in battle.

My worry increased as the fight went on, half a hour went and Asher was starting to look tiered. I knew he needed help, but what help would I be if I just threw myself into battle. I wasn't strong, fast or street smart. I couldn't do anything that would help Asher, perhaps I'd even put him in more of a pickle.

But it turned out, my help wasn't needed. A girl with aqua hair and dark skin appeared, and before I knew it, Caleb's head was rolling on the floor.

Blood squirted everywhere and Caleb's head stopped by my feet. I was shaking so bad and I felt liquid go down my cheeks. My tears.

Caleb Black had made my life hell but he was still a human – or whatever he was – and seeing him dead, was horrible. But as quickly as Caleb's head was by my feet, it was gone a second later, turning into golden dust.

I looked up to see Asher, jaw tight and looking pain stricken.

Pull yourself together, Scar, I told myself, be strong for Asher.

So that's what I did.

I walked towards him in record speed and took his face in my hands, paying no attention to the beautiful girl who had saved an equally beautiful boy. "Are you hurt?" Stupid question, I know, bit they were the only words what were able to escape my mouth. Asher said nothing, but instead put his own hand over mine which was still stroking his face gently.

"I am now."

Someone clears their throat and I become aware once again that me and Asher weren't the only ones in the dark forest.

"Erm, I hate to interrupt, but we should really get him some help."


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My poor baby Asher :(

Q: What do you think about Caleb?

So, I just introduced two new characters, one which has just died and the other will be a permanent character in this book and you will be seeing a lot more of her.

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